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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_J_o_n_a_t_h_a_n _P_a_y_n_e
(_r_e_v_i_s_e_d _f_o_r _4._3_B_S_D _b_y _D_o_u_g _K_i_n_g_s_t_o_n _a_n_d _M_a_r_k _S_e_i_d_e_n)
_1. _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n
JOVE* is an advanced, self-documenting, customizable real-time
display editor. It (and this tutorial introduction) are based on
the original EMACS editor and user manual written at M.I.T. by
Richard Stallman+.
JOVE is considered a _d_i_s_p_l_a_y editor because normally the text
being edited is visible on the screen and is updated automati-
cally as you type your commands.
It's considered a _r_e_a_l-_t_i_m_e editor because the display is updated
very frequently, usually after each character or pair of charac-
ters you type. This minimizes the amount of information you must
keep in your head as you edit.
JOVE is _a_d_v_a_n_c_e_d because it provides facilities that go beyond
simple insertion and deletion: filling of text; automatic inden-
tations of programs; view more than one file at once; and dealing
in terms of characters, words, lines, sentences and paragraphs.
It is much easier to type one command meaning "go to the end of
the paragraph" than to find the desired spot with repetition of
simpler commands.
_S_e_l_f-_d_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_i_n_g means that at almost any time you can easily
find out what a command does, or to find all the commands that
pertain to a topic.
_C_u_s_t_o_m_i_z_a_b_l_e means that you can change the definition of JOVE
commands in little ways. For example, you can rearrange the com-
mand set; if you prefer to use arrow keys for the four basic cur-
sor motion commands (up, down, left and right), you can. Another
sort of customization is writing new commands by combining built
in commands.
_2. _T_h_e _O_r_g_a_n_i_z_a_t_i_o_n _o_f _t_h_e _S_c_r_e_e_n
JOVE divides the screen up into several sections. The biggest of
these sections is used to display the text you are editing. The
terminal's cursor shows the position of _p_o_i_n_t, the location at
*JOVE stands for Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs.
+Although JOVE is meant to be compatible with EMACS,
and indeed many of the basic commands are very similar,
there are some major differences between the two edi-
tors, and you should not rely on their behaving identi-
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USD:17-2 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
which editing takes place. While the cursor appears to point _a_t
a character, point should be thought of as between characters; it
points _b_e_f_o_r_e the character that the cursor appears on top of.
Terminals have only one cursor, and when output is in progress it
must appear where the typing is being done. This doesn't mean
that point is moving; it is only that JOVE has no way of showing
you the location of point except when the terminal is idle.
The lines of the screen are usually available for displaying text
but sometimes are pre-empted by typeout from certain commands
(such as a listing of all the editor commands). Most of the
time, output from commands like these is only desired for a short
period of time, usually just long enough to glance at it. When
you have finished looking at the output, you can type Space to
make your text reappear. (Usually a Space that you type inserts
itself, but when there is typeout on the screen, it does nothing
but get rid of that). Any other command executes normally, _a_f_t_e_r
redrawing your text.
_2._1. _T_h_e _M_e_s_s_a_g_e _L_i_n_e
The bottom line on the screen, called the _m_e_s_s_a_g_e _l_i_n_e, is
reserved for printing messages and for accepting input from the
user, such as filenames or search strings. When JOVE prompts for
input, the cursor will temporarily appear on the bottom line,
waiting for you to type a string. When you have finished typing
your input, you can type a Return to send it to JOVE. If you
change your mind about running the command that is waiting for
input, you can type Control-G to abort, and you can continue with
your editing.
When JOVE is prompting for a filename, all the usual editing
facilities can be used to fix typos and such; in addition, JOVE
has the following extra functions:
^N Insert the next filename from the argument list.
^P Insert the previous filename from the argument list.
^R Insert the full pathname of the file in the current buffer.
Sometimes you will see --more-- on the message line. This hap-
pens when typeout from a command is too long to fit in the
screen. It means that if you type a Space the next screenful of
typeout will be printed. If you are not interested, typing any-
thing but a Space will cause the rest of the output to be dis-
carded. Typing C-G will discard the output and print _A_b_o_r_t_e_d
where the --more-- was. Typing any other command will discard
the rest of the output and also execute the command.
The message line and the list of filenames from the shell command
that invoked JOVE are kept in a special buffer called _M_i_n_i_b_u_f
that can be edited like any other buffer.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-3
_2._2. _T_h_e _M_o_d_e _L_i_n_e
At the bottom of the screen, but above the message line, is the
_m_o_d_e _l_i_n_e. The mode line format looks like this:
JOVE (major minor) Buffer: bufr "file" *
_m_a_j_o_r is the name of the current _m_a_j_o_r _m_o_d_e. At any time, JOVE
can be in only one major mode at a time. Currently there are
only four major modes: _F_u_n_d_a_m_e_n_t_a_l, _T_e_x_t, _L_i_s_p and _C.
_m_i_n_o_r is a list of the minor modes that are turned on. Abbrev
means that _W_o_r_d _A_b_b_r_e_v mode is on; AI means that _A_u_t_o _I_n_d_e_n_t mode
is on; Fill means that _A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l mode is on; OvrWt means that
_O_v_e_r _W_r_i_t_e mode is on. Def means that you are in the process of
defining a keyboard macro. This is not really a mode, but it's
useful to be reminded about it. The meanings of these modes are
described later in this document.
_b_u_f_r is the name of the currently selected _b_u_f_f_e_r. Each buffer
has its own name and holds a file being edited; this is how JOVE
can hold several files at once. But at any given time you are
editing only one of them, the _s_e_l_e_c_t_e_d buffer. When we speak of
what some command does to "the buffer", we are talking about the
currently selected buffer. Multiple buffers makes it easy to
switch around between several files, and then it is very useful
that the mode line tells you which one you are editing at any
time. (You will see later that it is possible to divide the
screen into multiple _w_i_n_d_o_w_s, each showing a different buffer.
If you do this, there is a mode line beneath each window.)
_f_i_l_e is the name of the file that you are editing. This is the
default filename for commands that expect a filename as input.
The asterisk at the end of the mode line means that there are
changes in the buffer that have not been saved in the file. If
the file has not been changed since it was read in or saved,
there is no asterisk.
_3. _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _I_n_p_u_t _C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_s
_3._1. _N_o_t_a_t_i_o_n_a_l _C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_s _f_o_r _A_S_C_I_I _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s
In this manual, "Control" characters (that is, characters that
are typed with the Control key and some other key at the same
time) are represented by "C-" followed by another character.
Thus, C-A is the character you get when you type A with the Con-
trol key (sometimes labeled CTRL) down. Most control characters
when present in the JOVE buffer are displayed with a caret; thus,
^A for C-A. Rubout (or DEL) is displayed as ^?, escape as ^[.
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USD:17-4 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_3._2. _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _a_n_d _F_i_l_e_n_a_m_e _C_o_m_p_l_e_t_i_o_n
When you are typing the name of a JOVE command, you need type
only enough letters to make the name unambiguous. At any point
in the course of typing the name, you can type question mark (?)
to see a list of all the commands whose names begin with the
characters you've already typed; you can type Space to have JOVE
supply as many characters as it can; or you can type Return to
complete the command if there is only one possibility. For exam-
ple, if you have typed the letters "_a_u" and you then type a ques-
tion mark, you will see the list
If you type a Return at this point, JOVE will complain by ringing
the bell, because the letters you've typed do not unambiguously
specify a single command. But if you type Space, JOVE will sup-
ply the characters "_t_o-" because all commands that begin "_a_u"
also begin "_a_u_t_o-". You could then type the letter "_f" followed
by either Space or Return, and JOVE would complete the entire
Whenever JOVE is prompting you for a filename, say in the _f_i_n_d-
_f_i_l_e command, you also need only type enough of the name to make
it unambiguous with respect to files that already exist. In this
case, question mark and Space work just as they do in command
completion, but Return always accepts the name just as you've
typed it, because you might want to create a new file with a name
similar to that of an existing file. The variable _b_a_d-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e-
_e_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n_s contains a list of words separated by spaces which are
to be considered bad filename extensions, and so will not be
counted in filename completion. The default is ".o" so if you
have jove.c and jove.o in the same directory, the filename com-
pletion will not complain of an ambiguity because it will ignore
_4. _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s _a_n_d _V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s
JOVE is composed of _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s which have long names such as _n_e_x_t-
_l_i_n_e. Then _k_e_y_s such as C-N are connected to commands through
the _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _d_i_s_p_a_t_c_h _t_a_b_l_e. When we say that C-N moves the cur-
sor down a line, we are glossing over a distinction which is
unimportant for ordinary use, but essential for simple customiza-
tion: it is the command _n_e_x_t-_l_i_n_e which knows how to move a down
line, and C-N moves down a line because it is connected to that
command. The name for this connection is a _b_i_n_d_i_n_g; we say that
the key C-N _i_s _b_o_u_n_d _t_o the command _n_e_x_t-_l_i_n_e.
Not all commands are bound to keys. To invoke a command that
isn't bound to a key, you can type the sequence ESC X, which is
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-5
bound to the command _e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_n_a_m_e_d-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d. You will then be
able to type the name of whatever command you want to execute on
the message line.
Sometimes the description of a command will say "to change this,
set the variable _m_u_m_b_l_e-_f_o_o". A variable is a name used to
remember a value. JOVE contains variables which are there so
that you can change them if you want to customize. The
variable's value is examined by some command, and changing that
value makes the command behave differently. Until you are
interesting in customizing JOVE, you can ignore this information.
_4._1. _P_r_e_f_i_x _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s
Because there are more command names than keys, JOVE provides
_p_r_e_f_i_x _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s to increase the number of commands that can be
invoked quickly and easily. When you type a prefix character
JOVE will wait for another character before deciding what to do.
If you wait more than a second or so, JOVE will print the prefix
character on the message line as a reminder and leave the cursor
down there until you type your next character. There are two
prefix characters built into JOVE: Escape and Control-X. How the
next character is interpreted depends on which prefix character
you typed. For example, if you type Escape followed by B you'll
run _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_w_o_r_d, but if you type Control-X followed by B you'll
run _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r. Elsewhere in this manual, the Escape key is
indicated as "ESC", which is also what JOVE displays on the mes-
sage line for Escape.
_4._2. _H_e_l_p
To get a list of keys and their associated commands, you type ESC
X _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_b_i_n_d_i_n_g_s. If you want to describe a single key, ESC X
_d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_k_e_y will work. A description of an individual command
is available by using ESC X _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d, and descriptions of
variables by using ESC X _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e. If you can't
remember the name of the thing you want to know about, ESC X
_a_p_r_o_p_o_s will tell you if a command or variable has a given string
in its name. For example, ESC X _a_p_r_o_p_o_s _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e will list the
names of the four describe commands mentioned briefly in this
_5. _B_a_s_i_c _E_d_i_t_i_n_g _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
_5._1. _I_n_s_e_r_t_i_n_g _T_e_x_t
To insert printing characters into the text you are editing, just
type them. All printing characters you type are inserted into
the text at the cursor (that is, at _p_o_i_n_t), and the cursor moves
forward. Any characters after the cursor move forward too. If
the text in the buffer is FOOBAR, with the cursor before the B,
then if you type XX, you get FOOXXBAR, with the cursor still
before the B.
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USD:17-6 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
To correct text you have just inserted, you can use Rubout.
Rubout deletes the character _b_e_f_o_r_e the cursor (not the one that
the cursor is on top of or under; that is the character _a_f_t_e_r the
cursor). The cursor and all characters after it move backwards.
Therefore, if you typing a printing character and then type
Rubout, they cancel out.
To end a line and start typing a new one, type Return. Return
operates by inserting a _l_i_n_e-_s_e_p_a_r_a_t_o_r, so if you type Return in
the middle of a line, you break the line in two. Because a
line-separator is just a single character, you can type Rubout at
the beginning of a line to delete the line-separator and join it
with the preceding line.
As a special case, if you type Return at the end of a line and
there are two or more empty lines just below it, JOVE does not
insert a line-separator but instead merely moves to the next
(empty) line. This behavior is convenient when you want to add
several lines of text in the middle of a buffer. You can use the
Control-O (_n_e_w_l_i_n_e-_a_n_d-_b_a_c_k_u_p) command to "open" several empty
lines at once; then you can insert the new text, filling up these
empty lines. The advantage is that JOVE does not have to redraw
the bottom part of the screen for each Return you type, as it
would ordinarily. That "redisplay" can be both slow and dis-
If you add too many characters to one line, without breaking it
with Return, the line will grow too long to display on one screen
line. When this happens, JOVE puts an "!" at the extreme right
margin, and doesn't bother to display the rest of the line unless
the cursor happens to be in it. The "!" is not part of your
text; conversely, even though you can't see the rest of your
line, it's still there, and if you break the line, the "!" will
go away.
Direct insertion works for printing characters and space, but
other characters act as editing commands and do not insert them-
selves. If you need to insert a control character, Escape, or
Rubout, you must first _q_u_o_t_e it by typing the Control-Q command
_5._2. _M_o_v_i_n_g _t_h_e _C_u_r_s_o_r
To do more than insert characters, you have to know how to move
the cursor. Here are a few of the commands for doing that.
C-A Move to the beginning of the line.
C-E Move to the end of the line.
C-F Move forward over one character.
C-B Move backward over one character.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-7
C-N Move down one line, vertically. If you start in
the middle of one line, you end in the middle of
the next.
C-P Move up one line, vertically.
ESC < Move to the beginning of the entire buffer.
ESC > Move to the end of the entire buffer.
ESC , Move to the beginning of the visible window.
ESC . Move to the end of the visible window.
_5._3. _E_r_a_s_i_n_g _T_e_x_t
Rubout Delete the character before the cursor.
C-D Delete the character after the cursor.
C-K Kill to the end of the line.
You already know about the Rubout command which deletes the char-
acter before the cursor. Another command, Control-D, deletes the
character after the cursor, causing the rest of the text on the
line to shift left. If Control-D is typed at the end of a line,
that line and the next line are joined together.
To erase a larger amount of text, use the Control-K command,
which kills a line at a time. If Control-K is done at the begin-
ning or middle of a line, it kills all the text up to the end of
the line. If Control-K is done at the end of a line, it joins
that line and the next line. If Control-K is done twice, it
kills the rest of the line and the line separator also.
_5._4. _F_i_l_e_s - _S_a_v_i_n_g _Y_o_u_r _W_o_r_k
The commands above are sufficient for creating text in the JOVE
buffer. The more advanced JOVE commands just make things easier.
But to keep any text permanently you must put it in a _f_i_l_e.
Files are the objects which UNIX|- uses for storing data for a
length of time. To tell JOVE to read text into a file, choose a
filename, such as _f_o_o._b_a_r, and type C-X C-R _f_o_o._b_a_r<return>.
This reads the file _f_o_o._b_a_r so that its contents appear on the
screen for editing. You can make changes, and then save the file
by typing C-X C-S (save-file). This makes the changes permanent
and actually changes the file _f_o_o._b_a_r. Until then, the changes
are only inside JOVE, and the file _f_o_o._b_a_r is not really changed.
If the file _f_o_o._b_a_r doesn't exist, and you want to create it,
read it as if it did exist. When you save your text with C-X C-S
|- UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.
May 2, 1988
USD:17-8 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
the file will be created.
_5._5. _E_x_i_t_i_n_g _a_n_d _P_a_u_s_i_n_g - _L_e_a_v_i_n_g _J_O_V_E
The command C-X C-C (_e_x_i_t-_j_o_v_e) will terminate the JOVE session
and return to the shell. If there are modified but unsaved
buffers, JOVE will ask you for confirmation, and you can abort
the command, look at what buffers are modified but unsaved using
C-X C-B (_l_i_s_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r_s), save the valuable ones, and then exit.
If what you want to do, on the other hand, is _p_r_e_s_e_r_v_e the edit-
ing session but return to the shell temporarily you can (under
Berkeley UNIX only) issue the command ESC S (_p_a_u_s_e-_j_o_v_e), do your
UNIX work within the c-shell, then return to JOVE using the _f_g
command to resume editing at the point where you paused. For
this sort of situation you might consider using an _i_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e
_s_h_e_l_l (that is, a shell in a JOVE window) which lets you use edi-
tor commands to manipulate your UNIX commands (and their output)
while never leaving the editor. (The interactive shell feature
is described below.)
_5._6. _G_i_v_i_n_g _N_u_m_e_r_i_c _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s _t_o _J_O_V_E _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
Any JOVE command can be given a _n_u_m_e_r_i_c _a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t. Some commands
interpret the argument as a repetition count. For example, giv-
ing an argument of ten to the C-F command (forward-character)
moves forward ten characters. With these commands, no argument
is equivalent to an argument of 1.
Some commands use the value of the argument, but do something
peculiar (or nothing) when there is no argument. For example,
ESC G (_g_o_t_o-_l_i_n_e) with an argument n goes to the beginning of the
n'th line. But ESC G with no argument doesn't do anything.
Similarly, C-K with an argument kills that many lines, including
their line separators. Without an argument, C-K when there is
text on the line to the right of the cursor kills that text; when
there is no text after the cursor, C-K deletes the line separa-
The fundamental way of specifying an argument is to use ESC fol-
lowed by the digits of the argument, for example, ESC 123 ESC G
to go to line 123. Negative arguments are allowed, although not
all of the commands know what to do with one.
Typing C-U means do the next command four times. Two such C-U's
multiply the next command by sixteen. Thus, C-U C-U C-F moves
forward sixteen characters. This is a good way to move forward
quickly, since it moves about 1/4 of a line on most terminals.
Other useful combinations are: C-U C-U C-N (move down a good
fraction of the screen), C-U C-U C-O (make "a lot" of blank
lines), and C-U C-K (kill four lines - note that typing C-K four
times would kill 2 lines).
There are other, terminal-dependent ways of specifying arguments.
They have the same effect but may be easier to type. If your
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-9
terminal has a numeric keypad which sends something recognizably
different from the ordinary digits, it is possible to program
JOVE to to allow use of the numeric keypad for specifying argu-
_5._7. _T_h_e _M_a_r_k _a_n_d _t_h_e _R_e_g_i_o_n
In general, a command that processes an arbitrary part of the
buffer must know where to start and where to stop. In JOVE, such
commands usually operate on the text between point and _t_h_e _m_a_r_k.
This body of text is called _t_h_e _r_e_g_i_o_n. To specify a region, you
set point to one end of it and mark at the other. It doesn't
matter which one comes earlier in the text.
C-@ Set the mark where point is.
C-X C-X Interchange mark and point.
For example, if you wish to convert part of the buffer to all
upper-case, you can use the C-X C-U command, which operates on
the text in the region. You can first go to the beginning of the
text to be capitalized, put the mark there, move to the end, and
then type C-X C-U. Or, you can set the mark at the end of the
text, move to the beginning, and then type C-X C-U. C-X C-U runs
the command _c_a_s_e-_r_e_g_i_o_n-_u_p_p_e_r, whose name signifies that the
region, or everything between point and mark, is to be capital-
The way to set the mark is with the C-@ command or (on some ter-
minals) the C-Space command. They set the mark where point is.
Then you can move point away, leaving mark behind. When the mark
is set, "[Point pushed]" is printed on the message line.
Since terminals have only one cursor, there is no way for JOVE to
show you where the mark is located. You have to remember. The
usual solution to this problem is to set the mark and then use it
soon, before you forget where it is. But you can see where the
mark is with the command C-X C-X which puts the mark where point
was and point where mark was. The extent of the region is
unchanged, but the cursor and point are now at the previous loca-
tion of the mark.
_5._8. _T_h_e _R_i_n_g _o_f _M_a_r_k_s
Aside from delimiting the region, the mark is also useful for
remembering a spot that you may want to go back to. To make this
feature more useful, JOVE remembers 16 previous locations of the
mark. Most commands that set the mark push the old mark onto
this stack. To return to a marked location, use C-U C-@. This
moves point to where the mark was, and restores the mark from the
stack of former marks. So repeated use of this command moves
point to all of the old marks on the stack, one by one. Since
the stack is actually a ring, enough uses of C-U C-@ bring point
back to where it was originally.
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USD:17-10 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
Some commands whose primary purpose is to move point a great dis-
tance take advantage of the stack of marks to give you a way to
undo the command. The best example is ESC <, which moves to the
beginning of the buffer. If there are more than 22 lines between
the beginning of the buffer and point, ESC < sets the mark first,
so that you can use C-U C-@ or C-X C-X to go back to where you
were. You can change the number of lines from 22 since it is
kept in the variable _m_a_r_k-_t_h_r_e_s_h_o_l_d. By setting it to 0, you can
make these commands always set the mark. By setting it to a very
large number you can prevent these commands from ever setting the
mark. If a command decides to set the mark, it prints the mes-
sage [_P_o_i_n_t _p_u_s_h_e_d].
_5._9. _K_i_l_l_i_n_g _a_n_d _M_o_v_i_n_g _T_e_x_t
The most common way of moving or copying text with JOVE is to
kill it, and get it back again in one or more places. This is
very safe because the last several pieces of killed text are all
remembered, and it is versatile, because the many commands for
killing syntactic units can also be used for moving those units.
There are also other ways of moving text for special purposes.
_5._1_0. _D_e_l_e_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _K_i_l_l_i_n_g
Most commands which erase text from the buffer save it so that
you can get it back if you change your mind, or move or copy it
to other parts of the buffer. These commands are known as _k_i_l_l
commands. The rest of the commands that erase text do not save
it; they are known as _d_e_l_e_t_e commands. The delete commands
include C-D and Rubout, which delete only one character at a
time, and those commands that delete only spaces or line separa-
tors. Commands that can destroy significant amounts of non-
trivial data generally kill. A command's name and description
will use the words _k_i_l_l or _d_e_l_e_t_e to say which one it does.
C-D Delete next character.
Rubout Delete previous character.
ESC \ Delete spaces and tabs around point.
C-X C-O Delete blank lines around the current line.
C-K Kill rest of line or one or more lines.
C-W Kill region (from point to the mark).
ESC D Kill word.
ESC Rubout Kill word backwards.
ESC K Kill to end of sentence.
C-X Rubout Kill to beginning of sentence.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-11
_5._1_1. _D_e_l_e_t_i_o_n
The most basic delete commands are C-D and Rubout. C-D deletes
the character after the cursor, the one the cursor is "on top of"
or "underneath". The cursor doesn't move. Rubout deletes the
character before the cursor, and moves the cursor back. Line
separators act like normal characters when deleted. Actually,
C-D and Rubout aren't always _d_e_l_e_t_e commands; if you give an
argument, they _k_i_l_l instead. This prevents you from losing a
great deal of text by typing a large argument to a C-D or Rubout.
The other delete commands are those which delete only formatting
characters: spaces, tabs, and line separators. ESC \ (_d_e_l_e_t_e-
_w_h_i_t_e-_s_p_a_c_e) deletes all the spaces and tab characters before and
after point. C-X C-O (_d_e_l_e_t_e-_b_l_a_n_k-_l_i_n_e_s) deletes all blank
lines after the current line, and if the current line is blank
deletes all the blank lines preceding the current line as well
(leaving one blank line, the current line).
_5._1_2. _K_i_l_l_i_n_g _b_y _L_i_n_e_s
The simplest kill command is the C-K command. If issued at the
beginning of a line, it kills all the text on the line, leaving
it blank. If given on a line containing only white space (blanks
and tabs) the line disappears. As a consequence, if you go to
the front of a non-blank line and type two C-K's, the line disap-
pears completely.
More generally, C-K kills from point up to the end of the line,
unless it is at the end of a line. In that case, it kills the
line separator following the line, thus merging the next line
into the current one. Invisible spaces and tabs at the end of
the line are ignored when deciding which case applies, so if
point appears to be at the end of the line, you can be sure the
line separator will be killed.
C-K with an argument of zero kills all the text before point on
the current line.
_5._1_3. _O_t_h_e_r _K_i_l_l _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
A kill command which is very general is C-W (_k_i_l_l-_r_e_g_i_o_n), which
kills everything between point and the mark.* With this command,
you can kill and save contiguous characters, if you first set the
mark at one end of them and go to the other end.
Other syntactic units can be killed, too; words, with ESC Rubout
and ESC D; and, sentences, with ESC K and C-X Rubout.
*Often users switch this binding from C-W to C-X C-K
because it is too easy to hit C-W accidentally.
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_5._1_4. _U_n-_k_i_l_l_i_n_g
Un-killing (yanking) is getting back text which was killed. The
usual way to move or copy text is to kill it and then un-kill it
one or more times.
C-Y Yank (re-insert) last killed text.
ESC Y Replace re-inserted killed text with the previously
killed text.
ESC W Save region as last killed text without killing.
Killed text is pushed onto a _r_i_n_g _b_u_f_f_e_r called the _k_i_l_l _r_i_n_g
that remembers the last 10 blocks of text that were killed. (Why
it is called a ring buffer will be explained below). The command
C-Y (_y_a_n_k) reinserts the text of the most recent kill. It leaves
the cursor at the end of the text, and puts the mark at the
beginning. Thus, a single C-Y undoes the C-W.
If you wish to copy a block of text, you might want to use ESC W
(_c_o_p_y-_r_e_g_i_o_n), which copies the region into the kill ring without
removing it from the buffer. This is approximately equivalent to
C-W followed by C-Y, except that ESC W does not mark the buffer
as "changed" and does not cause the screen to be rewritten.
There is only one kill ring shared among all the buffers. After
visiting a new file, whatever was last killed in the previous
file is still on top of the kill ring. This is important for
moving text between files.
_5._1_5. _A_p_p_e_n_d_i_n_g _K_i_l_l_s
Normally, each kill command pushes a new block onto the kill
ring. However, two or more kill commands immediately in a row
(without any other intervening commands) combine their text into
a single entry on the ring, so that a single C-Y command gets it
all back as it was before it was killed. This means that you
don't have to kill all the text in one command; you can keep kil-
ling line after line, or word after word, until you have killed
it all, and you can still get it all back at once.
Commands that kill forward from _p_o_i_n_t add onto the end of the
previous killed text. Commands that kill backward from _p_o_i_n_t add
onto the beginning. This way, any sequence of mixed forward and
backward kill commands puts all the killed text into one entry
without needing rearrangement.
_5._1_6. _U_n-_k_i_l_l_i_n_g _E_a_r_l_i_e_r _K_i_l_l_s
To recover killed text that is no longer the most recent kill,
you need the ESC Y (_y_a_n_k-_p_o_p) command. The ESC Y command can be
used only after a C-Y (yank) command or another ESC Y. It takes
the un-killed text inserted by the C-Y and replaces it with the
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text from an earlier kill. So, to recover the text of the next-
to-the-last kill, you first use C-Y to recover the last kill, and
then discard it by use of ESC Y to move back to the previous
You can think of all the last few kills as living on a ring.
After a C-Y command, the text at the front of the ring is also
present in the buffer. ESC Y "rotates" the ring bringing the
previous string of text to the front and this text replaces the
other text in the buffer as well. Enough ESC Y commands can
rotate any part of the ring to the front, so you can get at any
killed text so long as it is recent enough to be still in the
ring. Eventually the ring rotates all the way around and the
most recently killed text comes to the front (and into the
buffer) again. ESC Y with a negative argument rotates the ring
When the text you are looking for is brought into the buffer, you
can stop doing ESC Y's and the text will stay there. It's really
just a copy of what's at the front of the ring, so editing it
does not change what's in the ring. And the ring, once rotated,
stays rotated, so that doing another C-Y gets another copy of
what you rotated to the front with ESC Y.
If you change your mind about un-killing, C-W gets rid of the
un-killed text, even after any number of ESC Y's.
_6. _S_e_a_r_c_h_i_n_g
The search commands are useful for finding and moving to arbi-
trary positions in the buffer in one swift motion. For example,
if you just ran the spell program on a paper and you want to
correct some word, you can use the search commands to move
directly to that word. There are two flavors of search: _s_t_r_i_n_g
_s_e_a_r_c_h and _i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t_a_l _s_e_a_r_c_h. The former is the default
flavor-if you want to use incremental search you must rearrange
the key bindings (see below).
_6._1. _C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_a_l _S_e_a_r_c_h
C-S Search forward.
C-R Search backward.
To search for the string "FOO" you type "C-S FOO<return>". If
JOVE finds FOO it moves point to the end of it; otherwise JOVE
prints an error message and leaves point unchanged. C-S searches
forward from point so only occurrences of FOO after point are
found. To search in the other direction use C-R. It is exactly
the same as C-S except it searches in the opposite direction, and
if it finds the string, it leaves point at the beginning of it,
not at the end as in C-S.
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While JOVE is searching it prints the search string on the mes-
sage line. This is so you know what JOVE is doing. When the
system is heavily loaded and editing in exceptionally large
buffers, searches can take several (sometimes many) seconds.
JOVE remembers the last search string you used, so if you want to
search for the same string you can type "C-S <return>". If you
mistyped the last search string, you can type C-S followed by C-
R. C-R, as usual, inserts the default search string into the
minibuffer, and then you can fix it up.
_6._2. _I_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t_a_l _S_e_a_r_c_h
This search command is unusual in that is is _i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t_a_l; it
begins to search before you have typed the complete search
string. As you type in the search string, JOVE shows you where
it would be found. When you have typed enough characters to
identify the place you want, you can stop. Depending on what you
will do next, you may or may not need to terminate the search
explicitly with a Return first.
The command to search is C-S (_i-_s_e_a_r_c_h-_f_o_r_w_a_r_d). C-S reads in
characters and positions the cursor at the first occurrence of
the characters that you have typed so far. If you type C-S and
then F, the cursor moves in the text just after the next "F".
Type an "O", and see the cursor move to after the next "FO".
After another "O", the cursor is after the next "FOO". At the
same time, the "FOO" has echoed on the message line.
If you type a mistaken character, you can rub it out. After the
FOO, typing a Rubout makes the "O" disappear from the message
line, leaving only "FO". The cursor moves back in the buffer to
the "FO". Rubbing out the "O" and "F" moves the cursor back to
where you started the search.
When you are satisfied with the place you have reached, you can
type a Return, which stops searching, leaving the cursor where
the search brought it. Also, any command not specially meaning-
ful in searches stops the searching and is then executed. Thus,
typing C-A would exit the search and then move to the beginning
of the line. Return is necessary only if the next character you
want to type is a printing character, Rubout, Return, or another
search command, since those are the characters that have special
meanings inside the search.
Sometimes you search for "FOO" and find it, but not the one you
hoped to find. Perhaps there is a second FOO that you forgot
about, after the one you just found. Then type another C-S and
the cursor will find the next FOO. This can be done any number
of times. If you overshoot, you can return to previous finds by
rubbing out the C-S's.
After you exit a search, you can search for the same string again
by typing just C-S C-S: one C-S command to start the search and
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then another C-S to mean "search again for the same string".
If your string is not found at all, the message line says "Fail-
ing I-search". The cursor is after the place where JOVE found as
much of your string as it could. Thus, if you search for FOOT
and there is no FOOT, you might see the cursor after the FOO in
FOOL. At this point there are several things you can do. If
your string was mistyped, you can rub some of it out and correct
it. If you like the place you have found, you can type Return or
some other JOVE command to "accept what the search offered". Or
you can type C-G, which undoes the search altogether and posi-
tions you back where you started the search.
You can also type C-R at any time to start searching backwards.
If a search fails because the place you started was too late in
the file, you should do this. Repeated C-R's keep looking back-
ward for more occurrences of the last search string. A C-S
starts going forward again. C-R's can be rubbed out just like
anything else.
_6._3. _S_e_a_r_c_h_i_n_g _w_i_t_h _R_e_g_u_l_a_r _E_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s
In addition to the searching facilities described above, JOVE can
search for patterns using regular expressions. The handling of
regular expressions in JOVE is like that of _e_d(_1) or _v_i(_1), but
with some notable additions. The extra metacharacters understood
by JOVE are \<, \>, \| and \{. The first two of these match the
beginnings and endings of words; Thus the search pattern,
"\<Exec" would match all words beginning with the letters "Exec".
An \| signals the beginning of an alternative - that is, the pat-
tern "foo\|bar" would match either "foo" or "bar". The "curly
brace" is a way of introducing several sub-alternatives into a
pattern. It parallels the [] construct of regular expressions,
except it specifies a list of alternative words instead of just
alternative characters. So the pattern "foo\{bar,baz\}bie"
matches "foobarbie" or "foobazbie".
JOVE only regards metacharacters as special if the variable
_m_a_t_c_h-_r_e_g_u_l_a_r-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s is set to "on". The ability to have
JOVE ignore these characters is useful if you're editing a docu-
ment about patterns and regular expressions or when a novice is
learning JOVE.
Another variable that affects searching is _c_a_s_e-_i_g_n_o_r_e-_s_e_a_r_c_h.
If this variable is set to "on" then upper case and lower case
letters are considered equal.
_7. _R_e_p_l_a_c_e_m_e_n_t _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
Global search-and-replace operations are not needed as often in
JOVE as they are in other editors, but they are available. In
addition to the simple Replace operation which is like that found
in most editors, there is a Query Replace operation which asks,
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for each occurrence of the pattern, whether to replace it.
_7._1. _G_l_o_b_a_l _r_e_p_l_a_c_e_m_e_n_t
To replace every occurrence of FOO after point with BAR, you can
do, e.g., "ESC R FOO<return>BAR" as the _r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g command is
bound to the ESC R. Replacement takes place only between point
and the end of the buffer so if you want to cover the whole
buffer you must go to the beginning first.
_7._2. _Q_u_e_r_y _R_e_p_l_a_c_e
If you want to change only some of the occurrences of FOO, not
all, then the global _r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g is inappropriate; Instead,
use, e.g., "ESC Q FOO<return>BAR", to run the command _q_u_e_r_y-
_r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g. This displays each occurrence of FOO and waits
for you to say whether to replace it with a BAR. The things you
can type when you are shown an occurrence of FOO are:
Space to replace the FOO.
Rubout to skip to the next FOO without replacing this
Return to stop without doing any more replacements.
Period to replace this FOO and then stop.
! or P to replace all remaining FOO's without asking.
C-R or R to enter a recursive editing level, in case the
FOO needs to be edited rather than just replaced
with a BAR. When you are done, exit the recursive
editing level with C-X C-C and the next FOO will
be displayed.
C-W to delete the FOO, and then start editing the
buffer. When you are finished editing whatever is
to replace the FOO, exit the recursive editing
level with C-X C-C and the next FOO will be
U move to the last replacement and undo it.
Another alternative is using _r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_i_n-_r_e_g_i_o_n which is just like
_r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g except it searches only within the region.
_8. _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s _f_o_r _E_n_g_l_i_s_h _T_e_x_t
JOVE has many commands that work on the basic units of English
text: words, sentences and paragraphs.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-17
_8._1. _W_o_r_d _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
JOVE has commands for moving over or operating on words. By con-
vention, they are all ESC commands.
ESC F Move Forward over a word.
ESC B Move Backward over a word.
ESC D Kill forward to the end of a word.
ESC Rubout Kill backward to the beginning of a word.
Notice how these commands form a group that parallels the
character- based commands, C-F, C-B, C-D, and Rubout.
The commands ESC F and ESC B move forward and backward over
words. They are thus analogous to Control-F and Control-B, which
move over single characters. Like their Control- analogues, ESC
F and ESC B move several words if given an argument. ESC F with
a negative argument moves backward like ESC B, and ESC B with a
negative argument moves forward. Forward motion stops right
after the last letter of the word, while backward motion stops
right before the first letter.
It is easy to kill a word at a time. ESC D kills the word after
point. To be precise, it kills everything from point to the
place ESC F would move to. Thus, if point is in the middle of a
word, only the part after point is killed. If some punctuation
comes after point, and before the next word, it is killed along
with the word. If you wish to kill only the next word but not
the punctuation, simply do ESC F to get to the end, and kill the
word backwards with ESC Rubout. ESC D takes arguments just like
ESC Rubout kills the word before point. It kills everything from
point back to where ESC B would move to. If point is after the
space in "FOO, BAR", then "FOO, " is killed. If you wish to kill
just "FOO", then do a ESC B and a ESC D instead of a ESC Rubout.
_8._2. _S_e_n_t_e_n_c_e _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
The JOVE commands for manipulating sentences and paragraphs are
mostly ESC commands, so as to resemble the word-handling com-
ESC A Move back to the beginning of the sentence.
ESC E Move forward to the end of the sentence.
ESC K Kill forward to the end of the sentence.
C-X Rubout Kill back to the beginning of the sentence.
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The commands ESC A and ESC E move to the beginning and end of the
current sentence, respectively. They were chosen to resemble
Control-A and Control-E, which move to the beginning and end of a
line. Unlike them, ESC A and ESC E if repeated or given numeric
arguments move over successive sentences. JOVE considers a sen-
tence to end wherever there is a ".", "?", or "!" followed by the
end of a line or by one or more spaces. Neither ESC A nor ESC E
moves past the end of the line or spaces which delimit the sen-
Just as C-A and C-E have a kill command, C-K, to go with them, so
ESC A and ESC E have a corresponding kill command ESC K which
kills from point to the end of the sentence. With minus one as
an argument it kills back to the beginning of the sentence.
Positive arguments serve as a repeat count.
There is a special command, C-X Rubout for killing back to the
beginning of a sentence, because this is useful when you change
your mind in the middle of composing text.
_8._3. _P_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
The JOVE commands for handling paragraphs are
ESC [ Move back to previous paragraph beginning.
ESC ] Move forward to next paragraph end.
ESC [ moves to the beginning of the current or previous para-
graph, while ESC ] moves to the end of the current or next para-
graph. Paragraphs are delimited by lines of differing indent, or
lines with text formatter commands, or blank lines. JOVE knows
how to deal with most indented paragraphs correctly, although it
can get confused by one- or two-line paragraphs delimited only by
_8._4. _T_e_x_t _I_n_d_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
Tab Indent "appropriately" in a mode-dependent
LineFeed Is the same as Return, except it copies the
indent of the line you just left.
ESC M Moves to the line's first non-blank charac-
The way to request indentation is with the Tab command. Its pre-
cise effect depends on the major mode. In _T_e_x_t mode, it indents
to the next tab stop. In _C mode, it indents to the "right" posi-
tion for C programs.
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To move over the indentation on a line, do ESC M (_f_i_r_s_t-_n_o_n-
_b_l_a_n_k). This command, given anywhere on a line, positions the
cursor at the first non-blank, non-tab character on the line.
_8._5. _T_e_x_t _F_i_l_l_i_n_g
_A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l mode causes text to be _f_i_l_l_e_d (broken up into lines
that fit in a specified width) automatically as you type it in.
If you alter existing text so that it is no longer properly
filled, JOVE can fill it again if you ask.
Entering _A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l mode is done with ESC X _a_u_t_o-_f_i_l_l-_m_o_d_e. From
then on, lines are broken automatically at spaces when they get
longer than the desired width. To leave _A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l mode, once
again execute ESC X _a_u_t_o-_f_i_l_l-_m_o_d_e. When _A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l mode is in
effect, the word Fill appears in the mode line.
If you edit the middle of a paragraph, it may no longer correctly
be filled. To refill a paragraph, use the command ESC J (_f_i_l_l-
_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h). It causes the paragraph that point is inside to be
filled. All the line breaks are removed and new ones inserted
where necessary.
The maximum line width for filling is in the variable _r_i_g_h_t-
_m_a_r_g_i_n. Both ESC J and auto-fill make sure that no line exceeds
this width. The value of _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n is initially 78.
Normally ESC J figures out the indent of the paragraph and uses
that same indent when filling. If you want to change the indent
of a paragraph you set _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n to the new position and type
C-U ESC J. _f_i_l_l-_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h, when supplied a numeric argument,
uses the value of _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n.
If you know where you want to set the right margin but you don't
know the actual value, move to where you want to set the value
and use the _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n-_h_e_r_e command. _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n-_h_e_r_e does the
same for the _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n variable.
_8._6. _C_a_s_e _C_o_n_v_e_r_s_i_o_n _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
ESC L Convert following word to lower case.
ESC U Convert following word to upper case.
ESC C Capitalize the following word.
The word conversion commands are most useful. ESC L converts the
word after point to lower case, moving past it. Thus, successive
ESC L's convert successive words. ESC U converts to all capitals
instead, while ESC C puts the first letter of the word into upper
case and the rest into lower case. All these commands convert
several words at once if given an argument. They are especially
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convenient for converting a large amount of text from all upper
case to mixed case, because you can move through the test using
ESC L, ESC U or ESC C on each word as appropriate.
When given a negative argument, the word case conversion commands
apply to the appropriate number of words before point, but do not
move point. This is convenient when you have just typed a word
in the wrong case. You can give the case conversion command and
continue typing.
If a word case conversion command is given in the middle of a
word, it applies only to the part of the word which follows the
cursor, treating it as a whole word.
The other case conversion functions are _c_a_s_e-_r_e_g_i_o_n-_u_p_p_e_r and
_c_a_s_e-_r_e_g_i_o_n-_l_o_w_e_r, which convert everything between point and
mark to the specified case. Point and mark remain unchanged.
_8._7. _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s _f_o_r _F_i_x_i_n_g _T_y_p_o_s
In this section we describe the commands that are especially use-
ful for the times when you catch a mistake on your text after you
have made it, or change your mind while composing text on line.
Rubout Delete last character.
ESC Rubout Kill last word.
C-X Rubout Kill to beginning of sentence.
C-T Transpose two characters.
C-X C-T Transpose two lines.
ESC Minus ESC L Convert last word to lower case.
ESC Minus ESC U Convert last word to upper case.
ESC Minus ESC C Convert last word to lower case with
capital initial.
_8._8. _K_i_l_l_i_n_g _Y_o_u_r _M_i_s_t_a_k_e_s
The Rubout command is the most important correction command.
When used among printing (self-inserting) characters, it can be
thought of as canceling the last character typed.
When your mistake is longer than a couple of characters, it might
be more convenient to use ESC Rubout or C-X Rubout. ESC Rubout
kills back to the start of the last word, and C-X Rubout kills
back to the start of the last sentence. C-X Rubout is particu-
larly useful when you are thinking of what to write as you type
it, in case you change your mind about phrasing. ESC Rubout and
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C-X Rubout save the killed text for C-Y and ESC Y to retrieve.
ESC Rubout is often useful even when you have typed only a few
characters wrong, if you know you are confused in your typing and
aren't sure what you typed. At such a time, you cannot correct
with Rubout except by looking at the screen to see what you did.
It requires less thought to kill the whole word and start over
again, especially if the system is heavily loaded.
If you were typing a command or command parameters, C-G will
abort the command with no further processing.
_8._9. _T_r_a_n_s_p_o_s_i_t_i_o_n
The common error of transposing two characters can be fixed with
the C-T (_t_r_a_n_s_p_o_s_e-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s) command. Normally, C-T transposes
the two characters on either side of the cursor and moves the
cursor forward one character. Repeating the command several
times "drags" a character to the right. (Remember that _p_o_i_n_t is
considered to be between two characters, even though the visible
cursor in your terminal is on only one of them.) When given at
the end of a line, rather than switching the last character of
the line with the line separator, which would be useless, C-T
transposes the last two characters on the line. So, if you catch
your transposition error right away, you can fix it with just a
C-T. If you don't catch it so fast, you must move the cursor
back to between the two characters.
To transpose two lines, use the C-X C-T (_t_r_a_n_s_p_o_s_e-_l_i_n_e_s) com-
mand. The line containing the cursor is exchanged with the line
above it; the cursor is left at the beginning of the line follow-
ing its original position.
_8._1_0. _C_h_e_c_k_i_n_g _a_n_d _C_o_r_r_e_c_t_i_n_g _S_p_e_l_l_i_n_g
When you write a paper, you should correct its spelling at some
point close to finishing it. To correct the entire buffer, do
ESC X _s_p_e_l_l-_b_u_f_f_e_r. This invokes the UNIX _s_p_e_l_l program, which
prints a list of all the misspelled words. JOVE catches the list
and places it in a JOVE buffer called Spell. You are given an
opportunity to delete from that buffer any words that aren't
really errors; then JOVE looks up each misspelled word and
remembers where it is in the buffer being corrected. Then you
can go forward to each misspelled word with C-X C-N (_n_e_x_t-_e_r_r_o_r)
and backward with C-X C-P (_p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_e_r_r_o_r). See the section
entitled _E_r_r_o_r _M_e_s_s_a_g_e _P_a_r_s_i_n_g.
_9. _F_i_l_e _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g
The basic unit of stored data is the file. Each program, each
paper, lives usually in its own file. To edit a program or
paper, the editor must be told the name of the file that contains
it. This is called _v_i_s_i_t_i_n_g a file. To make your changes to the
file permanent on disk, you must _s_a_v_e the file.
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_9._1. _V_i_s_i_t_i_n_g _F_i_l_e_s
C-X C-V Visit a file.
C-X C-R Same as C-X C-V.
C-X C-S Save the visited file.
ESC ~ Tell JOVE to forget that the buffer has been
_V_i_s_i_t_i_n_g a file means copying its contents into JOVE where you
can edit them. JOVE remembers the name of the file you visited.
Unless you use the multiple buffer feature of JOVE, you can only
be visiting one file at a time. The name of the current selected
buffer is visible in the mode line.
The changes you make with JOVE are made in a copy inside JOVE.
The file itself is not changed. The changed text is not per-
manent until you _s_a_v_e it in a file. The first time you change
the text, an asterisk appears at the end of the mode line; this
indicates that the text contains fresh changes which will be lost
unless you save them.
To visit a file, use the command C-X C-V. Follow the command
with the name of the file you wish to visit, terminated by a
Return. You can abort the command by typing C-G, or edit the
filename with many of the standard JOVE commands (e.g., C-A, C-E,
C-F, ESC F, ESC Rubout). If the filename you wish to visit is
similar to the filename in the mode line (the default filename),
you can type C-R to insert the default and then edit it. If you
do type a Return to finish the command, the new file's text
appears on the screen, and its name appears in the mode line. In
addition, its name becomes the new default filename.
If you wish to save the file and make your changes permanent,
type C-X C-S. After the save is finished, C-X C-S prints the
filename and the number of characters and lines that it wrote to
the file. If there are no changes to save (no asterisk at the
end of the mode line), the file is not saved; otherwise the
changes saved and the asterisk at the end of the mode line will
What if you want to create a file? Just visit it. JOVE prints
(_N_e_w _f_i_l_e) but aside from that behaves as if you had visited an
existing empty file. If you make any changes and save them, the
file is created. If you visit a nonexistent file unintentionally
(because you typed the wrong filename), go ahead and visit the
file you meant. If you don't save the unwanted file, it is not
If you alter one file and then visit another in the same buffer,
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JOVE offers to save the old one. If you answer YES, the old file
is saved; if you answer NO, all the changes you have made to it
since the last save are lost. You should not type ahead after a
file visiting command, because your type-ahead might answer an
unexpected question in a way that you would regret.
Sometimes you will change a buffer by accident. Even if you undo
the effect of the change by editing, JOVE still knows that "the
buffer has been changed". You can tell JOVE to pretend that
there have been no changes with the ESC ~ command (_m_a_k_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r-
_u_n_m_o_d_i_f_i_e_d). This command simply clears the "modified" flag
which says that the buffer contains changes which need to be
saved. Even if the buffer really _i_s changed JOVE will still act
as if it were not.
If JOVE is about to save a file and sees that the date of the
version on disk does not match what JOVE last read or wrote, JOVE
notifies you of this fact, and asks what to do, because this
probably means that something is wrong. For example, somebody
else may have been editing the same file. If this is so, there
is a good chance that your work or his work will be lost if you
don't take the proper steps. You should first find out exactly
what is going on. If you determine that somebody else has modi-
fied the file, save your file under a different filename and then
DIFF the two files to merge the two sets of changes. (The
"patch" command is useful for applying the results of context
diffs directly). Also get in touch with the other person so that
the files don't diverge any further.
_9._2. _H_o_w _t_o _U_n_d_o _D_r_a_s_t_i_c _C_h_a_n_g_e_s _t_o _a _F_i_l_e
If you have made several extensive changes to a file and then
change your mind about them, and you haven't yet saved them, you
can get rid of them by reading in the previous version of the
file. You can do this with the C-X C-V command, to visit the
unsaved version of the file.
_9._3. _R_e_c_o_v_e_r_i_n_g _f_r_o_m _s_y_s_t_e_m/_e_d_i_t_o_r _c_r_a_s_h_e_s
JOVE does not have _A_u_t_o _S_a_v_e mode, but it does provide a way to
recover your work in the event of a system or editor crash. JOVE
saves information about the files you're editing every so many
changes to a buffer to make recovery possible. Since a rela-
tively small amount of information is involved it's hardly even
noticeable when JOVE does this. The variable "sync-frequency"
says how often to save the necessary information, and the default
is every 50 changes. 50 is a very reasonable number: if you are
writing a paper you will not lose more than the last 50 charac-
ters you typed, which is less than the average length of a line.
_9._4. _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s _F_i_l_e _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n_s
ESC X _w_r_i_t_e-_f_i_l_e <file><return> writes the contents of the buffer
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into the file <file>, and then visits that file. It can be
thought of as a way of "changing the name" of the file you are
visiting. Unlike C-X C-S, _w_r_i_t_e-_f_i_l_e saves even if the buffer
has not been changed. C-X C-W is another way of getting this
ESC X _i_n_s_e_r_t-_f_i_l_e <file><return> inserts the contents of <file>
into the buffer at point, leaving point unchanged before the con-
tents. You can also use C-X C-I to get this command.
ESC X _w_r_i_t_e-_r_e_g_i_o_n <file><return> writes the region (the text
between point and mark) to the specified file. It does not set
the visited filename. The buffer is not changed.
ESC X _a_p_p_e_n_d-_r_e_g_i_o_n <file><return> appends the region to <file>.
The text is added to the end of <file>.
_1_0. _U_s_i_n_g _M_u_l_t_i_p_l_e _B_u_f_f_e_r_s
When we speak of "the buffer", which contains the text you are
editing, we have given the impression that there is only one. In
fact, there may be many of them, each with its own body of text.
At any time only one buffer can be _s_e_l_e_c_t_e_d and available for
editing, but it isn't hard to switch to a different one. Each
buffer individually remembers which file it is visiting, what
modes are in effect, and whether there are any changes that need
C-X B Select or create a buffer.
C-X C-F Visit a file in its own buffer.
C-X C-B List the existing buffers.
C-X K Kill a buffer.
Each buffer in JOVE has a single name, which normally doesn't
change. A buffer's name can be any length. The name of the
currently selected buffer and the name of the file visited in it
are visible in the mode line when you are at top level. A newly
started JOVE has only one buffer, named Main, unless you speci-
fied files to edit in the shell command that started JOVE.
_1_0._1. _C_r_e_a_t_i_n_g _a_n_d _S_e_l_e_c_t_i_n_g _B_u_f_f_e_r_s
To create a new buffer, you need only think of a name for it
(say, FOO) and then do C-X B FOO<return>, which is the command
C-X B (_s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r) followed by the name. This makes a new,
empty buffer (if one by that name didn't previously exist) and
selects it for editing. The new buffer is not visiting any file,
so if you try to save it you will be asked for the filename to
use. Each buffer has its own major mode; the new buffer's major
mode is _T_e_x_t mode by default.
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To return to buffer FOO later after having switched to another,
the same command C-X B FOO<return> is used, since C-X B can tell
whether a buffer named FOO exists already or not. C-X B
Main<return> reselects the buffer Main that JOVE started out
with. Just C-X B<return> reselects the previous buffer.
Repeated C-X B<return>'s alternate between the last two buffers
You can also read a file into its own newly created buffer, all
with one command: C-X C-F (_f_i_n_d-_f_i_l_e), followed by the filename.
The name of the buffer is the last element of the file's path-
name. C-F stands for "Find", because if the specified file
already resides in a buffer in your JOVE, that buffer is
reselected. So you need not remember whether you have brought
the file in already or not. A buffer created by C-X C-F can be
reselected later with C-X B or C-X C-F, whichever you find more
convenient. Nonexistent files can be created with C-X C-F just
as they can with C-X C-V.
_1_0._2. _U_s_i_n_g _E_x_i_s_t_i_n_g _B_u_f_f_e_r_s
To get a list of all the buffers that exist, do C-X C-B (_l_i_s_t-
_b_u_f_f_e_r_s). Each buffer's type, name, and visited filename is
printed. An asterisk before the buffer name indicates a buffer
which contains changes that have not been saved. The number that
appears at the beginning of a line in a C-X C-B listing is that
buffer's _b_u_f_f_e_r _n_u_m_b_e_r. You can select a buffer by typing its
number in place of its name. If a buffer with that number
doesn't already exist, a new buffer is created with that number
as its name.
If several buffers have modified text in them, you should save
some of them with C-X C-M (_w_r_i_t_e-_m_o_d_i_f_i_e_d-_f_i_l_e_s). This finds all
the buffers that need saving and then saves them. Saving the
buffers this way is much easier and more efficient (but more
dangerous) than selecting each one and typing C-X C-S. If you
give C-X C-M an argument, JOVE will ask for confirmation before
saving each buffer.
ESC X _r_e_n_a_m_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r <new name><return> changes the name of the
currently selected buffer.
ESC X _e_r_a_s_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r <buffer name><return> erases the contents of
the <buffer name> without deleting the buffer entirely.
_1_0._3. _K_i_l_l_i_n_g _B_u_f_f_e_r_s
After you use a JOVE for a while, it may fill up with buffers
which you no longer need. Eventually you can reach a point where
trying to create any more results in an "out of memory" or "out
of lines" error. When this happens you will want to kill some
buffers with the C-X K (_d_e_l_e_t_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r) command. You can kill the
buffer FOO by doing C-X K FOO<return>. If you type C-X K
<return> JOVE will kill the previously selected buffer. If you
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try to kill a buffer that needs saving JOVE will ask you to con-
firm it.
If you need to kill several buffers, use the command _k_i_l_l-_s_o_m_e-
_b_u_f_f_e_r_s. This prompts you with the name of each buffer and asks
for confirmation before killing that buffer.
_1_1. _C_o_n_t_r_o_l_l_i_n_g _t_h_e _D_i_s_p_l_a_y
Since only part of a large file will fit on the screen, JOVE
tries to show the part that is likely to be interesting. The
display control commands allow you to see a different part of the
C-L Reposition point at a specified vertical position,
OR clear and redraw the screen with point in the
same place.
C-V Scroll forwards (a screen or a few lines).
ESC V Scroll backwards.
C-Z Scroll forward some lines.
ESC Z Scroll backwards some lines.
The terminal screen is rarely large enough to display all of your
file. If the whole buffer doesn't fit on the screen, JOVE shows
a contiguous portion of it, containing _p_o_i_n_t. It continues to
show approximately the same portion until point moves outside of
what is displayed; then JOVE chooses a new portion centered
around the new _p_o_i_n_t. This is JOVE's guess as to what you are
most interested in seeing, but if the guess is wrong, you can use
the display control commands to see a different portion. The
available screen area through which you can see part of the
buffer is called _t_h_e _w_i_n_d_o_w, and the choice of where in the
buffer to start displaying is also called _t_h_e _w_i_n_d_o_w. (When
there is only one window, it plus the mode line and the input
line take up the whole screen).
First we describe how JOVE chooses a new window position on its
own. The goal is usually to place _p_o_i_n_t half way down the win-
dow. This is controlled by the variable _s_c_r_o_l_l-_s_t_e_p, whose value
is the number of lines above the bottom or below the top of the
window that the line containing point is placed. A value of 0
(the initial value) means center _p_o_i_n_t in the window.
The basic display control command is C-L (_r_e_d_r_a_w-_d_i_s_p_l_a_y). In
its simplest form, with no argument, it tells JOVE to choose a
new window position, centering point half way from the top as
C-L with a positive argument chooses a new window so as to put
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point that many lines from the top. An argument of zero puts
point on the very top line. Point does not move with respect to
the text; rather, the text and point move rigidly on the screen.
If point stays on the same line, the window is first cleared and
then redrawn. Thus, two C-L's in a row are guaranteed to clear
the current window. ESC C-L will clear and redraw the entire
The _s_c_r_o_l_l_i_n_g commands C-V, ESC V, C-Z, and ESC Z, let you move
the whole display up or down a few lines. C-V (_n_e_x_t-_p_a_g_e) with
an argument shows you that many more lines at the bottom of the
screen, moving the text and point up together as C-L might. C-V
with a negative argument shows you more lines at the top of the
screen, as does ESC V (_p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_p_a_g_e) with a positive argument.
To read the buffer a window at a time, use the C-V command with
no argument. It takes the last line at the bottom of the window
and puts it at the top, followed by nearly a whole window of
lines not visible before. Point is put at the top of the window.
Thus, each C-V shows the "next page of text", except for one line
of overlap to provide context. To move backward, use ESC V
without an argument, which moves a whole window backwards (again
with a line of overlap).
C-Z and ESC Z scroll one line forward and one line backward,
respectively. These are convenient for moving in units of lines
without having to type a numeric argument.
_1_1._1. _M_u_l_t_i_p_l_e _W_i_n_d_o_w_s
JOVE allows you to split the screen into two or more _w_i_n_d_o_w_s and
use them to display parts of different files, or different parts
of the same file.
C-X 2 Divide the current window into two smaller ones.
C-X 1 Delete all windows but the current one.
C-X D Delete current window.
C-X N Switch to the next window.
C-X P Switch to the previous window.
C-X O Same as C-X P.
C-X ^ Make this window bigger.
ESC C-V Scroll the other window.
When using _m_u_l_t_i_p_l_e _w_i_n_d_o_w mode, the text portion of the screen
is divided into separate parts called _w_i_n_d_o_w_s, which can display
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different pieces of text. Each window can display different
files, or parts of the same file. Only one of the windows is
_a_c_t_i_v_e; that is the window which the cursor is in. Editing nor-
mally takes place in that window alone. To edit in another win-
dow, you would give a command to move the cursor to the other
window, and then edit there.
Each window displays a mode line for the buffer it's displaying.
This is useful to keep track of which window corresponds with
which file. In addition, the mode line serves as a separator
between windows. By setting the variable _m_o_d_e-_l_i_n_e-_s_h_o_u_l_d-
_s_t_a_n_d_o_u_t to "on" you can have JOVE display the mode-line in
reverse video (assuming your particular terminal has the reverse
video capability).
The command C-X 2 (_s_p_l_i_t-_c_u_r_r_e_n_t-_w_i_n_d_o_w) enters multiple window
mode. A new mode line appears across the middle of the screen,
dividing the text display area into two halves. Both windows
contain the same buffer and display the same position in it,
namely where point was at the time you issued the command. The
cursor moves to the second window.
To return to viewing only one window, use the command C-X 1
(_d_e_l_e_t_e-_o_t_h_e_r-_w_i_n_d_o_w_s). The current window expands to fill the
whole screen, and the other windows disappear until the next C-X
2. (The buffers and their contents are unaffected by any of the
window operations).
While there is more than one window, you can use C-X N (_n_e_x_t-
_w_i_n_d_o_w) to switch to the next window, and C-X P (_p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_w_i_n_d_o_w)
to switch to the previous one. If you are in the bottom window
and you type C-X N, you will be placed in the top window, and the
same kind of thing happens when you type C-X P in the top window,
namely you will be placed in the bottom window. C-X O is the
same as C-X P. It stands for "other window" because when there
are only two windows, repeated use of this command will switch
between the two windows.
Often you will be editing one window while using the other just
for reference. Then, the command ESC C-V (_p_a_g_e-_n_e_x_t-_w_i_n_d_o_w) is
very useful. It scrolls the next window, as if you switched to
the next window, typed C-V, and switched back, without your hav-
ing to do all that. With a negative argument, ESC C-V will do an
ESC V in the next window.
When a window splits, both halves are approximately the same
size. You can redistribute the screen space between the windows
with the C-X ^ (_g_r_o_w-_w_i_n_d_o_w) command. It makes the currently
selected window grow one line bigger, or as many lines as is
specified with a numeric argument. Use ESC X _s_h_r_i_n_k-_w_i_n_d_o_w to
make the current window smaller.
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_1_1._2. _M_u_l_t_i_p_l_e _W_i_n_d_o_w_s _a_n_d _M_u_l_t_i_p_l_e _B_u_f_f_e_r_s
Buffers can be selected independently in each window. The C-X B
command selects a new buffer in whichever window contains the
cursor. Other windows' buffers do not change.
You can view the same buffer in more than one window. Although
the same buffer appears in both windows, they have different
values of point, so you can move around in one window while the
other window continues to show the same text. Then, having found
one place you wish to refer to, you can go back into the other
window with C-X O or C-X P to make your changes.
If you have the same buffer in both windows, you must beware of
trying to visit a different file in one of the windows with C-X
C-V, because if you bring a new file into this buffer, it will
replaced the old file in _b_o_t_h windows. To view different files
in different windows, you must switch buffers in one of the win-
dows first (with C-X B or C-X C-F, perhaps).
A convenient "combination" command for viewing something in
another window is C-X 4 (_w_i_n_d_o_w-_f_i_n_d). With this command you can
ask to see any specified buffer, file or tag in the other window.
Follow the C-X 4 with either B and a buffer name, F and a
filename, or T and a tag name. This switches to the other window
and finds there what you specified. If you were previously in
one-window mode, multiple-window mode is entered. C-X 4 B is
similar to C-X 2 C-X B. C-X 4 F is similar to C-X 2 C-X C-F.
C-X 4 T is similar to C-X 2 C-X T. The difference is one of
efficiency, and also that C-X 4 works equally well if you are
already using two windows.
_1_2. _P_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s _U_n_d_e_r _J_O_V_E
Another feature in JOVE is its ability to interact with UNIX in a
useful way. You can run other UNIX commands from JOVE and catch
their output in JOVE buffers. In this chapter we will discuss
the different ways to run and interact with UNIX commands.
_1_2._1. _N_o_n-_i_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e _U_N_I_X _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
To run a UNIX command from JOVE just type "C-X !" followed by the
name of the command terminated with Return. For example, to get
a list of all the users on the system, you do:
C-X ! who<return>
Then JOVE picks a reasonable buffer in which the output from the
command will be placed. E.g., "who" uses a buffer called who;
"ps alx" uses ps; and "fgrep -n foo *.c" uses fgrep. If JOVE
wants to use a buffer that already exists it first erases the old
contents. If the buffer it selects holds a file, not output from
a previous shell command, you must first delete that buffer with
C-X K.
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Once JOVE has picked a buffer it puts that buffer in a window so
you can see the command's output as it is running. If there is
only one window JOVE will automatically make another one. Other-
wise, JOVE tries to pick the most convenient window which isn't
the current one.
It's not a good idea to type anything while the command is run-
ning. There are two reasons for this:
(i) JOVE won't see the characters (thus won't execute them)
until the command finishes, so you may forget what you've
(ii) Although JOVE won't know what you've typed, it _w_i_l_l know
that you've typed something, and then it will try to be
"smart" and not update the display until it's interpreted
what you've typed. But, of course, JOVE won't interpret
what you type until the UNIX command completes, so you're
left with the uneasy feeling you get when you don't know
what the hell the computer is doing*.
If you want to interrupt the command for some reason (perhaps you
mistyped it, or you changed your mind) you can type C-]. Typing
this inside JOVE while a process is running is the same as typing
C-C when you are outside JOVE, namely the process stops in a
When the command finishes, JOVE puts you back in the window in
which you started. Then it prints a message indicating whether
or not the command completed successfully in its (the command's)
opinion. That is, if the command had what it considers an error
(or you interrupt it with C-]) JOVE will print an appropriate
_1_2._2. _L_i_m_i_t_a_t_i_o_n_s _o_f _N_o_n-_I_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e _P_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s
The reason these are called non-interactive processes is that you
can't type any input to them; you can't interact with them; they
can't ask you questions because there is no way for you to
answer. For example, you can't run a command interpreter (a
shell), or _m_a_i_l or _c_r_y_p_t with C-X ! because there is no way to
provide it with input. Remember that JOVE (not the process in
the window) is listening to your keyboard, and JOVE waits until
the process dies before it looks at what you type.
C-X ! is useful for running commands that do some output and then
exit. For example, it's very useful to use with the C compiler
to catch compilation error messages (see Compiling C Programs),
or with the _g_r_e_p commands.
*This is a bug and should be fixed, but probably won't
be for a while.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-31
_1_2._3. _I_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e _P_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s - _R_u_n _a _S_h_e_l_l _i_n _a _W_i_n_d_o_w
Some versions of JOVE|- have the capability of running interactive
processes. This is more useful than non-interactive processes
for certain types of jobs:
(i) You can go off and do some editing while the command is run-
ning. This is useful for commands that do sporadic output
and run for fairly long periods of time.
(ii) Unlike non-interactive processes, you can type input to
these. In addition, you can edit what you type with the
power of all the JOVE commands _b_e_f_o_r_e you send the input to
the process. This is a really important feature, and is
especially useful for running a shell in a window.
(iii)Because you can continue with normal editing while one of
the processes is running, you can create a bunch of contexts
and manage them (select them, delete them, or temporarily
put them aside) with JOVE's window and buffer mechanisms.
Although we may have given an image of processes being attached
to _w_i_n_d_o_w_s, in fact they are attached to _b_u_f_f_e_r_s. Therefore,
once an _i-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s is running you can select another buffer into
that window, or if you wish you can delete the window altogether.
If you reselect that buffer later it will be up to date. That
is, even though the buffer wasn't visible it was still receiving
output from the process. You don't have to worry about missing
anything when the buffer isn't visible.
_1_2._4. _A_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_s _o_f _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _P_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s _i_n _J_O_V_E _W_i_n_d_o_w_s.
There are several advantages to running a shell in a window.
What you type isn't seen immediately by the process; instead JOVE
waits until you type an entire line before passing it on to the
process to read. This means that before you type <return> all of
JOVE's editing capabilities are available for fixing errors on
your input line. If you discover an error at the beginning of
the line, rather than erasing the whole line and starting over,
you can simply move to the error, correct it, move back and con-
tinue typing.
Another feature is that you have the entire history of your ses-
sion in a JOVE buffer. You don't have to worry about output from
a command moving past the top of the screen. If you missed some
output you can move back through it with ESC V and other com-
mands. In addition, you can save yourself retyping a command (or
a similar one) by sending edited versions of previous commands,
or edit the output of one command to become a list of commands to
be executed ("immediate shell scripts").
|- For example, the version provided with 4.3BSD.
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USD:17-32 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_2._5. _D_i_f_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s _b_e_t_w_e_e_n _N_o_r_m_a_l _a_n_d _I-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s _B_u_f_f_e_r_s
JOVE behaves differently in several ways when you are in an _i-
_p_r_o_c_e_s_s buffer. Most obviously, <return> does different things
depending on both your position in the buffer and on the state of
the process. In the normal case, when point is at the end of the
buffer, Return does what you'd expect: it inserts a line-
separator and then sends the line to the process. If you are
somewhere else in the buffer, possibly positioned at a previous
command that you want to edit, Return will place a copy of that
line (with the prompt discarded if there is one) at the end of
the buffer and move you there. Then you can edit the line and
type Return as in the normal case. If the process has died for
some reason, Return does nothing. It doesn't even insert itself.
If that happens unexpectedly, you should type ESC X _l_i_s_t-
_p_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s<return> to get a list of each process and its state.
If your process died abnormally, _l_i_s_t-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s may help you fig-
ure out why.
_1_2._6. _H_o_w _t_o _R_u_n _a _S_h_e_l_l _i_n _a _W_i_n_d_o_w
Type ESC X _s_h_e_l_l<return> to start up a shell. As with C-X !,
JOVE will create a buffer, called *shell*-1, and select a window
for this new buffer. But unlike C-X ! you will be left in the
new window. Now, the shell process is said to be attached to
_1_3. _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g
To save having to use absolute pathnames when you want to edit a
nearby file JOVE allows you to move around the UNIX filesystem
just as the c-shell does. These commands are:
cd dir Change to the specified directory.
pushd [dir] Like _c_d, but save the old directory on the direc-
tory stack. With no directory argument, simply
exchange the top two directories on the stack and
_c_d to the new top.
popd Take the current directory off the stack and _c_d to
the directory now at the top.
dirs Display the contents of the directory stack.
The names and behavior of these commands were chosen to mimic
those in the c-shell.
_1_4. _E_d_i_t_i_n_g _C _P_r_o_g_r_a_m_s
This section details the support provided by JOVE for working on
C programs.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-33
_1_4._1. _I_n_d_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
To save having to lay out C programs "by hand", JOVE has an idea
of the correct indentation of a line, based on the surrounding
context. When you are in C Mode, JOVE treats tabs specially -
typing a tab at the beginning of a new line means "indent to the
right place". Closing braces are also handled specially, and are
indented to match the corresponding open brace.
_1_4._2. _P_a_r_e_n_t_h_e_s_i_s _a_n_d _B_r_a_c_e _M_a_t_c_h_i_n_g
To check that parentheses and braces match the way you think they
do, turn on _S_h_o_w _M_a_t_c_h mode (ESC X show-match-mode). Then, when-
ever you type a close brace or parenthesis, the cursor moves
momentarily to the matching opener, if it's currently visible.
If it's not visible, JOVE displays the line containing the match-
ing opener on the message line.
_1_4._3. _C _T_a_g_s
Often when you are editing a C program, especially someone else's
code, you see a function call and wonder what that function does.
You then search for the function within the current file and if
you're lucky find the definition, finally returning to the origi-
nal spot when you are done. However, if are unlucky, the func-
tion turns out to be external (defined in another file) and you
have to suspend the edit, _g_r_e_p for the function name in every .c
that might contain it, and finally visit the appropriate file.
To avoid this diversion or the need to remember which function is
defined in which file, Berkeley UNIX has a program called
_c_t_a_g_s(_1), which takes a set of source files and looks for func-
tion definitions, producing a file called _t_a_g_s as its output.
JOVE has a command called C-X T (_f_i_n_d-_t_a_g) that prompts you for
the name of a function (a _t_a_g), looks up the tag reference in the
previously constructed tags file, then visits the file containing
that tag in a new buffer, with point positioned at the definition
of the function. There is another version of this command,
namely _f_i_n_d-_t_a_g-_a_t-_p_o_i_n_t, that uses the identifier at _p_o_i_n_t.
So, when you've added new functions to a module, or moved some
old ones around, run the _c_t_a_g_s program to regenerate the _t_a_g_s
file. JOVE looks in the file specified in the _t_a_g-_f_i_l_e variable.
The default is "./tags", that is, the tag file in the current
directory. If you wish to use an alternate tag file, you use C-
U C-X T, and JOVE will prompt for a file name. If you find your-
self specifying the same file again and again, you can set _t_a_g-
_f_i_l_e to that file, and run _f_i_n_d-_t_a_g with no numeric argument.
To begin an editing session looking for a particular tag, use the
-_t _t_a_g command line option to JOVE. For example, say you wanted
to look at the file containing the tag _S_k_i_p_C_h_a_r, you would invoke
JOVE as:
May 2, 1988
USD:17-34 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
% _j_o_v_e -_t _S_k_i_p_C_h_a_r
_1_4._4. _C_o_m_p_i_l_i_n_g _Y_o_u_r _P_r_o_g_r_a_m
You've typed in a program or altered an existing one and now you
want to run it through the compiler to check for errors. To save
having to suspend the edit, run the compiler, scribble down error
messages, and then resume the edit, JOVE allows you to compile
your code while in the editor. This is done with the C-X C-E
(_c_o_m_p_i_l_e-_i_t) command. If you run _c_o_m_p_i_l_e-_i_t with no argument it
runs the UNIX _m_a_k_e program into a buffer; If you need a special
command or want to pass arguments to _m_a_k_e, run _c_o_m_p_i_l_e-_i_t with
any argument (C-U is good enough) and you will be prompted for
the command to execute.
If any error messages are produced, they are treated specially by
JOVE. That treatment is the subject of the next section.
_1_4._5. _E_r_r_o_r _M_e_s_s_a_g_e _P_a_r_s_i_n_g _a_n_d _S_p_e_l_l_i_n_g _C_h_e_c_k_i_n_g
JOVE knows how to interpret the error messages from many UNIX
commands; In particular, the messages from _c_c, _g_r_e_p and _l_i_n_t can
be understood. After running the _c_o_m_p_i_l_e-_i_t command, the _p_a_r_s_e-
_e_r_r_o_r_s command is automatically executed, and any errors found
are displayed in a new buffer. The files whose names are found
in parsing the error messages are each brought into JOVE buffers
and the point is positioned at the first error in the first file.
The commands _c_u_r_r_e_n_t-_e_r_r_o_r, C-X C-N (_n_e_x_t-_e_r_r_o_r), and C-X C-P
(_p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_e_r_r_o_r) can be used to traverse the list of errors.
If you already have a file called _e_r_r_s containing, say, c com-
piler messages then you can get JOVE to interpret the messages by
invoking it as:
% _j_o_v_e -_p _e_r_r_s
JOVE has a special mechanism for checking the the spelling of a
document; It runs the UNIX spell program into a buffer. You then
delete from this buffer all those words that are not spelling
errors and then JOVE runs the _p_a_r_s_e-_s_p_e_l_l_i_n_g-_e_r_r_o_r_s command to
yield a list of errors just as in the last section.
_1_5. _S_i_m_p_l_e _C_u_s_t_o_m_i_z_a_t_i_o_n
_1_5._1. _M_a_j_o_r _M_o_d_e_s
To help with editing particular types of file, say a paper or a C
program, JOVE has several _m_a_j_o_r _m_o_d_e_s. These are as follows:
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-35
_1_5._1._1. _T_e_x_t _m_o_d_e
This is the default major mode. Nothing special is done.
_1_5._1._2. _C _m_o_d_e
This mode affects the behavior of the tab and parentheses charac-
ters. Instead of just inserting the tab, JOVE determines where
the text "ought" to line up for the C language and tabs to that
position instead. The same thing happens with the close brace
and close parenthesis; they are tabbed to the "right" place and
then inserted. Using the _a_u_t_o-_e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d command, you can
make JOVE enter _C _M_o_d_e whenever you edit a file whose name ends
in ._c.
_1_5._1._3. _L_i_s_p _m_o_d_e
This mode is analogous to _C _M_o_d_e, but performs the indentation
needed to lay out Lisp programs properly. Note also the _g_r_i_n_d-
_s-_e_x_p_r command that prettyprints an _s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n and the _k_i_l_l-
_m_o_d_e-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n command.
_1_5._2. _M_i_n_o_r _M_o_d_e_s
In addition to the major modes, JOVE has a set of minor modes.
These are as follows:
_1_5._2._1. _A_u_t_o _I_n_d_e_n_t
In this mode, JOVE indents each line the same way as that above
it. That is, the Return key in this mode acts as the Linefeed
key ordinarily does.
_1_5._2._2. _S_h_o_w _M_a_t_c_h
Move the cursor momentarily to the matching opening parenthesis
when a closing parenthesis is typed.
_1_5._2._3. _A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l
In _A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l mode, a newline is automatically inserted when the
line length exceeds the right margin. This way, you can type a
whole paper without having to use the Return key.
_1_5._2._4. _O_v_e_r _W_r_i_t_e
In this mode, any text typed in will replace the previous con-
tents. (The default is for new text to be inserted and "push"
the old along.) This is useful for editing an already-formatted
diagram in which you want to change some things without moving
other things around on the screen.
May 2, 1988
USD:17-36 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_5._2._5. _W_o_r_d _A_b_b_r_e_v
In this mode, every word you type is compared to a list of word
abbreviations; whenever you type an abbreviation, it is replaced
by the text that it abbreviates. This can save typing if a par-
ticular word or phrase must be entered many times. The abbrevia-
tions and their expansions are held in a file that looks like:
This file can be set up in your ~/._j_o_v_e_r_c with the _r_e_a_d-_w_o_r_d-
_a_b_b_r_e_v-_f_i_l_e command. Then, whenever you are editing a buffer in
_W_o_r_d _A_b_b_r_e_v mode, JOVE checks for the abbreviations you've given.
See also the commands _r_e_a_d-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v-_f_i_l_e, _w_r_i_t_e-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v-
_f_i_l_e, _e_d_i_t-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v_s, _d_e_f_i_n_e-_g_l_o_b_a_l-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v, _d_e_f_i_n_e-_m_o_d_e-
_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v, and _b_i_n_d-_m_a_c_r_o-_t_o-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v, and the variable
_1_5._3. _V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s
JOVE can be tailored to suit your needs by changing the values of
variables. A JOVE variable can be given a value with the _s_e_t
command, and its value displayed with the _p_r_i_n_t command.
The variables JOVE understands are listed along with the commands
in the alphabetical list at the end of this document.
_1_5._4. _K_e_y _R_e-_b_i_n_d_i_n_g
Many of the commands built into JOVE are not bound to specific
keys. The command handler in JOVE is used to invoke these com-
mands and is activated by the _e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_e_x_t_e_n_d_e_d-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d command
(ESC X). When the name of a command typed in is unambiguous,
that command will be executed. Since it is very slow to have to
type in the name of each command every time it is needed, JOVE
makes it possible to _b_i_n_d commands to keys. When a command is
_b_o_u_n_d to a key any future hits on that key will invoke that com-
mand. All the printing characters are initially bound to the
command _s_e_l_f-_i_n_s_e_r_t. Thus, typing any printing character causes
it to be inserted into the text. Any of the existing commands
can be bound to any key. (A _k_e_y may actually be a _c_o_n_t_r_o_l _c_h_a_r_-
_a_c_t_e_r or an _e_s_c_a_p_e _s_e_q_u_e_n_c_e as explained previously under _C_o_m_m_a_n_d
_I_n_p_u_t _C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_s).
Since there are more commands than there are keys, two keys are
treated as _p_r_e_f_i_x commands. When a key bound to one of the pre-
fix commands is typed, the next character typed is interpreted on
the basis that it was preceded by one of the prefix keys. Ini-
tially ^X and ESC are the prefix keys and many of the built in
commands are initially bound to these "two stroke" keys. (For
historical reasons, the Escape key is often referred to as
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-37
_1_5._5. _K_e_y_b_o_a_r_d _M_a_c_r_o_s
Although JOVE has many powerful commands, you often find that you
have a task that no individual command can do. JOVE allows you
to define your own commands from sequences of existing ones "by
example"; Such a sequence is termed a _m_a_c_r_o. The procedure is as
follows: First you type the _s_t_a_r_t-_r_e_m_e_m_b_e_r_i_n_g command, usually
bound to C-X (. Next you "perform" the commands which as they
are being executed are also remembered, which will constitute the
body of the macro. Then you give the _s_t_o_p-_r_e_m_e_m_b_e_r_i_n_g command,
usually bound to C-X ). You now have a _k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d _m_a_c_r_o. To run
this command sequence again, use the command _e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d-
_m_a_c_r_o, usually bound to C-X E. You may find this bothersome to
type and re-type, so there is a way to bind the macro to a key.
First, you must give the keyboard macro a name using the _n_a_m_e-
_k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d-_m_a_c_r_o command. Then the binding is made with the _b_i_n_d-
_m_a_c_r_o-_t_o-_k_e_y command. We're still not finished because all this
hard work will be lost if you leave JOVE. What you do is to save
your macros into a file with the _w_r_i_t_e-_m_a_c_r_o_s-_t_o-_f_i_l_e command.
To retrieve your macros in the next editing session (but not
their bindings), you can simply execute the _s_o_u_r_c_e command on
that file.
_1_5._6. _I_n_i_t_i_a_l_i_z_a_t_i_o_n _F_i_l_e_s
Users will likely want to modify the default key bindings to
their liking. Since it would be quite annoying to have to set up
the bindings each time JOVE is started up, JOVE has the ability
to read in a "startup" file. Whenever JOVE is started, it reads
commands from the file ._j_o_v_e_r_c in the user's home directory.
These commands are read as if they were typed to the command
handler (ESC X) during an edit. There can be only one command
per line in the startup file. If there is a file
/_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_j_o_v_e/_j_o_v_e_r_c, then this file will be read before the
user's ._j_o_v_e_r_c file. This can be used to set up a system-wide
default startup mode for JOVE that is tailored to the needs of
that system.
The _s_o_u_r_c_e command can be used to read commands from a specified
file at any time during an editing session, even from inside the
._j_o_v_e_r_c file. This means that a macro can be used to change the
key bindings, e.g., to enter a mode, by reading from a specified
file which contains all the necessary bindings.
May 2, 1988
USD:17-38 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6. _A_l_p_h_a_b_e_t_i_c_a_l _L_i_s_t _o_f _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s _a_n_d _V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s
_1_6._1. _p_r_e_f_i_x-_1 (_E_s_c_a_p_e)
This reads the next character and runs a command based on the
character typed. If you wait for more than a second or so before
typing the next character, the message "ESC" will be printed on
the message line to remind you that JOVE is waiting for another
_1_6._2. _p_r_e_f_i_x-_2 (_C-_X)
This reads the next character and runs a command based on the
character typed. If you wait for more than a second or so before
typing another character, the message "C-X" will be printed on
the message line to remind you that JOVE is waiting for another
_1_6._3. _p_r_e_f_i_x-_3 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This reads the next character and runs a command based on the
character typed. If you wait for more than a second or so before
typing the next character, the character that invoked Prefix-3
will be printed on the message line to remind you that JOVE is
waiting for another one.
_1_6._4. _a_b_o_r_t-_c_h_a_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable defines JOVE'S abort characer. When the abort
character is typed, the current JOVE command is aborted. The
default value is C-G.
_1_6._5. _a_d_d-_l_i_s_p-_s_p_e_c_i_a_l (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This command is to tell JOVE what identifiers require special
indentation in lisp mode. Lisp functions like defun and let are
two of the default functions that get treated specially. This is
just a kludge to define some of your own. It prompts for the
function name.
_1_6._6. _a_l_l_o_w-^_S-_a_n_d-^_Q (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable, when set, tells JOVE that your terminal does not
need to use the characters C-S and C-Q for flow control, and that
it is okay to bind things to them. This variable should be set
depending upon what kind of terminal you have.
_1_6._7. _a_l_l_o_w-_b_a_d-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_s (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
If set, this variable permits filenames to contain "bad" charac-
ters such as those from the set *&%!"`[]{}. These files are
harder to deal with, because the characters mean something to the
shell. The default value is "off".
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-39
_1_6._8. _a_n_s_i-_c_o_d_e_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
When bound to "ESC [" this makes the arrow keys, and various
other keys on vt100-like terminals do the right thing. For exam-
ple, the up arrow key will move to the previous line.
_1_6._9. _a_p_p_e_n_d-_r_e_g_i_o_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This appends the region to a specified file. If the file does
not already exist it is created.
_1_6._1_0. _a_p_r_o_p_o_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This types out all the commands, variables and macros with the
specific keyword in their names. For each command and macro that
contains the string, the key sequence that can be used to execute
the command or macro is printed; with variables, the current
value is printed. So, to find all the commands that are related
to windows, you type
ESC X apropos window<Return>
_1_6._1_1. _a_u_t_o-_c_a_s_e-_a_b_b_r_e_v (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When this variable is on (the default), word abbreviations are
adjusted for case automatically. For example, if "jove" were the
abbreviation for "jonathan's own version of emacs", then typing
"jove" would give you "jonathan's own version of emacs", typing
"Jove" would give you "Jonathan's own version of emacs", and typ-
ing "JOVE" would give you "Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs".
When this variable is "off", upper and lower case are dis-
tinguished when looking for the abbreviation, i.e., in the exam-
ple above, "JOVE" and "Jove" would not be expanded unless they
were defined separately.
_1_6._1_2. _a_u_t_o-_e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This tells JOVE to execute a command automatically when a file
whose name matches a specified pattern is visited. The first
argument is the command you want executed and the second is a
regular expression pattern that specifies the files that apply.
For example, if you want to be in show-match-mode when you edit C
source files (that is, files that end with ".c" or ".h") you can
ESC X auto-execute-command show-match-mode .*.[ch]$
_1_6._1_3. _a_u_t_o-_e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_m_a_c_r_o (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is like _a_u_t_o-_e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d except you use it to execute
macros automatically instead of built-in commands.
May 2, 1988
USD:17-40 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._1_4. _a_u_t_o-_f_i_l_l-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This turns on Auto Fill mode (or off if it's currently on) in the
selected buffer. When JOVE is in Auto Fill mode it automatically
breaks lines for you when you reach the right margin so you don't
have to remember to hit Return. JOVE uses 78 as the right margin
but you can change that by setting the variable _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n to
another value. See the _s_e_t command to learn how to do this.
_1_6._1_5. _a_u_t_o-_i_n_d_e_n_t-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This turns on Auto Indent mode (or off if it's currently on) in
the selected buffer. When JOVE is in Auto Indent mode, Return
indents the new line to the same position as the line you were
just on. This is useful for lining up C code (or any other
language (but what else is there besides C?)). This is out of
date because of the new command called _n_e_w_l_i_n_e-_a_n_d-_i_n_d_e_n_t but it
remains because of several "requests" on the part of, uh,
enthusiastic and excitable users, that it be left as it is.
_1_6._1_6. _b_a_c_k_g_r_o_u_n_d-_c_o_l_o_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This specifies the background color of the screen (PC version
only). The default value is 0, which stands for black.
_1_6._1_7. _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r (_C-_B)
This moves point backward over a single character. If point is
at the beginning of the line it moves to the end of the previous
_1_6._1_8. _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_l_i_s_t (_E_S_C _C-_P)
This moves backward over a list as opposed to an s-expression.
The difference between this and _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n is that
this first searchs for a ")" and then moves to the matching "(".
This is useful when you're trying to find unmatched parens in a
_1_6._1_9. _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h (_E_S_C [)
This moves point backward to the beginning of the current or pre-
vious paragraph. Paragraphs are bounded by lines that begin with
a Period or Tab, or by blank lines; a change in indentation may
also signal a break between paragraphs, except that JOVE allows
the first line of a paragraph to be indented differently from the
other lines.
_1_6._2_0. _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n (_E_S_C _C-_B)
This moves point backward over a s-expression. It is just like
_f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n with a negative argument.
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-41
_1_6._2_1. _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_s_e_n_t_e_n_c_e (_E_S_C _A)
This moves point backward to the beginning of the current or pre-
vious sentence. JOVE considers the end of a sentence to be the
characters ".", "!" or "?" followed by a Return or by one or more
_1_6._2_2. _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_u_p-_l_i_s_t (_E_S_C _C-_U)
This is similar to _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n except it backs up and
OUT of the enclosing s-expression. In other words, it moves
backward to the "(" that would match a ")" if you were to type it
right then.
_1_6._2_3. _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_w_o_r_d (_E_S_C _B)
This moves point backward to the beginning of the current or pre-
vious word.
_1_6._2_4. _b_a_d-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e-_e_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n_s (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This contains a list of words separated by spaces which are to be
considered bad filename extensions, and so will not be counted in
filename completion. The default is ".o" so if you have jove.c
and jove.o in the same directory, the filename completion will
not complain of an ambiguity because it will ignore jove.o.
_1_6._2_5. _b_e_g_i_n-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o (_C-_X ()
This starts defining the keyboard macro by remembering all your
key strokes until you execute _e_n_d-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o, by typing "C-X )".
Because of a bug in JOVE you shouldn't terminate the macro by
typing "ESC X end-kbd-macro"; _e_n_d-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o must be bound to "C-X
)" in order to make things work correctly. To execute the remem-
bered key strokes you type "C-X E" which runs the _e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_k_b_d-
_m_a_c_r_o command. Sometimes you may want a macro to accept dif-
ferent input each time it runs. To see how to do this, see the
_m_a_k_e-_m_a_c_r_o-_i_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e command.
_1_6._2_6. _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g-_o_f-_f_i_l_e (_E_S_C <)
This moves point backward to the beginning of the buffer. This
sometimes prints the "Point Pushed" message. If the top of the
buffer isn't on the screen JOVE will set the mark so you can go
back to where you were if you want.
_1_6._2_7. _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g-_o_f-_l_i_n_e (_C-_A)
This moves point to the beginning of the current line.
_1_6._2_8. _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g-_o_f-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_E_S_C ,)
This moves point to the beginning of the current window. The
sequence "ESC ," is the same as "ESC <" (beginning of file)
May 2, 1988
USD:17-42 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
except without the shift key on the "<", and can thus can easily
be remembered.
_1_6._2_9. _b_i_n_d-_m_a_c_r_o-_t_o-_k_e_y (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is like _b_i_n_d-_t_o-_k_e_y except you use it to attach keys to
named macros.
_1_6._3_0. _b_i_n_d-_m_a_c_r_o-_t_o-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This command allows you to bind a macro to a previously defined
word abbreviation. Whenever you type the abbreviation, it will
first be expanded as an abbreviation, and then the macro will be
executed. Note that if the macro moves around, you should set
the mark first (C-@) and then exchange the point and mark last
(C-X C-X).
_1_6._3_1. _b_i_n_d-_t_o-_k_e_y (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This attaches a key to an internal JOVE command so that future
hits on that key invoke that command. For example, to make "C-W"
erase the previous word, you type "ESC X bind-to-key kill-
previous-word C-W".
_1_6._3_2. _b_u_f_f_e_r-_p_o_s_i_t_i_o_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This displays the current file name, current line number, total
number of lines, percentage of the way through the file, and the
position of the cursor in the current line.
_1_6._3_3. _c-_i_n_d_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n-_i_n_c_r_e_m_e_n_t (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable is not currently used.
_1_6._3_4. _c-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This turns on C mode in the currently selected buffer. This is
one of currently four possible major modes: Fundamental, Text,
C, Lisp. When in C or Lisp mode, Tab, "}", and ")" behave a lit-
tle differently from usual: They are indented to the "right"
place for C (or Lisp) programs. In JOVE, the "right" place is
simply the way the author likes it (but I've got good taste).
_1_6._3_5. _c_a_s_e-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r-_c_a_p_i_t_a_l_i_z_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This capitalizes the character after point, i.e., the character
under the cursor. If a negative argument is supplied that many
characters _b_e_f_o_r_e point are upper cased.
_1_6._3_6. _c_a_s_e-_i_g_n_o_r_e-_s_e_a_r_c_h (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable, when set, tells JOVE to treat upper and lower case
as the same when searching. Thus "jove" and "JOVE" would match,
and "JoVe" would match either. The default value of this
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-43
variable is "off".
_1_6._3_7. _c_a_s_e-_r_e_g_i_o_n-_l_o_w_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This changes all the upper case letters in the region to their
lower case equivalent.
_1_6._3_8. _c_a_s_e-_r_e_g_i_o_n-_u_p_p_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This changes all the lower case letters in the region to their
upper case equivalent.
_1_6._3_9. _c_a_s_e-_w_o_r_d-_c_a_p_i_t_a_l_i_z_e (_E_S_C _C)
This capitalizes the current word by making the current letter
upper case and making the rest of the word lower case. Point is
moved to the end of the word. If point is not positioned on a
word it is first moved forward to the beginning of the next word.
If a negative argument is supplied that many words _b_e_f_o_r_e point
are capitalized. This is useful for correcting the word just
typed without having to move point to the beginning of the word
_1_6._4_0. _c_a_s_e-_w_o_r_d-_l_o_w_e_r (_E_S_C _L)
This lower-cases the current word and leaves point at the end of
it. If point is in the middle of a word the rest of the word is
converted. If point is not in a word it is first moved forward
to the beginning of the next word. If a negative argument is
supplied that many words _b_e_f_o_r_e point are converted to lower
case. This is useful for correcting the word just typed without
having to move point to the beginning of the word yourself.
_1_6._4_1. _c_a_s_e-_w_o_r_d-_u_p_p_e_r (_E_S_C _U)
This upper-cases the current word and leaves point at the end of
it. If point is in the middle of a word the rest of the word is
converted. If point is not in a word it is first moved forward
to the beginning of the next word. If a negative argument is
supplied that many words _b_e_f_o_r_e point are converted to upper
case. This is useful for correcting the word just typed without
having to move point to the beginning of the word yourself.
_1_6._4_2. _c_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This changes the current directory.
_1_6._4_3. _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r-_t_o-_o_c_t_a_l-_i_n_s_e_r_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This inserts a Back-slash followed by the ascii value of the next
character typed. For example, "C-G" inserts the string "\007".
May 2, 1988
USD:17-44 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._4_4. _c_l_e_a_r-_a_n_d-_r_e_d_r_a_w (_E_S_C _C-_L)
This clears the entire screen and redraws all the windows. Use
this when JOVE gets confused about what's on the screen, or when
the screen gets filled with garbage characters or output from
another program.
_1_6._4_5. _c_o_m_m_e_n_t-_f_o_r_m_a_t (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable tells JOVE how to format your comments when you run
the command _f_i_l_l-_c_o_m_m_e_n_t. Its format is this:
<open pattern>%!<line header>%c<line trailer>%!<close pattern>
The %!, %c, and %! must appear in the format; everything else is
optional. A newline (represented by %n) may appear in the open
or close patterns. %% is the representation for %. The default
comment format is for C comments. See _f_i_l_l-_c_o_m_m_e_n_t for more.
_1_6._4_6. _c_o_m_p_i_l_e-_i_t (_C-_X _C-_E)
This compiles your program by running the UNIX command "make"
into a buffer, and automatically parsing the error messages that
are created (if any). See the _p_a_r_s_e-_e_r_r_o_r_s command. To compile
a C program without "make", use "C-U C-X C-E" and JOVE will
prompt for a command to run instead of make. (And then the com-
mand you type will become the default command.) You can use this
to parse the output from the C compiler or the "grep" or "lint"
programs. See also _e_r_r_o_r-_f_o_r_m_a_t-_s_t_r_i_n_g to make it possible to
parse errors of a different format.
_1_6._4_7. _c_o_n_t_i_n_u_e-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sends SIGCONT to the current interactive process, _i_f the
process is currently stopped.
_1_6._4_8. _c_o_p_y-_r_e_g_i_o_n (_E_S_C _W)
This takes all the text in the region and copies it onto the kill
ring buffer. This is just like running _k_i_l_l-_r_e_g_i_o_n followed by
the _y_a_n_k command. See the _k_i_l_l-_r_e_g_i_o_n and _y_a_n_k commands.
_1_6._4_9. _c_u_r_r_e_n_t-_e_r_r_o_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This moves to the current error in the list of parsed errors.
See the _n_e_x_t-_e_r_r_o_r and _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_e_r_r_o_r commands for more detailed
_1_6._5_0. _d_a_t_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This prints the date on the message line.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-45
_1_6._5_1. _d_e_f_i_n_e-_g_l_o_b_a_l-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This defines a global abbreviation.
_1_6._5_2. _d_e_f_i_n_e-_m_a_c_r_o (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This provides a different mechanism for defining keyboard macros.
Instead of gathering keystrokes and storing them into the
"keyboard-macro" (which is how _s_t_a_r_t-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o works), _d_e_f_i_n_e-
_m_a_c_r_o prompts for a macro name (terminated with Space, or New-
line) and then for the actual macro body. If you wish to specify
control characters in the macro, you may simply insert them
(using the _q_u_o_t_e_d-_i_n_s_e_r_t command) or by inserting the character
'^' followed by the appropriate letter for that character (e.g.,
^A would be the two characters '^' followed by 'A'). You may use
Back-slash to prevent the '^' from being interpreted as part of a
control character when you really wish to insert one (e.g., a
macro body "\^foo" would insert the string "^foo" into the
buffer, whereas the body "^foo" would be the same as typing ^F
and then inserting the string "oo"). See _w_r_i_t_e-_m_a_c_r_o_s-_t_o-_f_i_l_e to
see how to save macros.
_1_6._5_3. _d_e_f_i_n_e-_m_o_d_e-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This defines a mode-specific abbreviation.
_1_6._5_4. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_b_l_a_n_k-_l_i_n_e_s (_C-_X _C-_O)
This deletes all the blank lines around point. This is useful
when you previously opened many lines with "C-O" and now wish to
delete the unused ones.
_1_6._5_5. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_C-_X _K)
This deletes a buffer and frees up all the memory associated with
it. Be careful(!) - once a buffer has been deleted it is gone
forever. JOVE will ask you to confirm if you try to delete a
buffer that needs saving. This command is useful for when JOVE
runs out of space to store new buffers.
_1_6._5_6. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_c_u_r_r_e_n_t-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_C-_X _D)
This deletes the current window and moves point into one of the
remaining ones. It is an error to try to delete the only remain-
ing window.
_1_6._5_7. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_m_a_c_r_o (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This deletes a macro from the list of named macros. It is an
error to delete the keyboard-macro. Once the macro is deleted it
is gone forever. If you are about to save macros to a file and
decide you don't want to save a particular one, delete it.
May 2, 1988
USD:17-46 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._5_8. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_n_e_x_t-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r (_C-_D)
This deletes the character that's just after point (that is, the
character under the cursor). If point is at the end of a line,
the line separator is deleted and the next line is joined with
the current one.
_1_6._5_9. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_o_t_h_e_r-_w_i_n_d_o_w_s (_C-_X _1)
This deletes all the other windows except the current one. This
can be thought of as going back into One Window mode.
_1_6._6_0. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r (_R_u_b_o_u_t)
This deletes the character that's just before point (that is, the
character before the cursor). If point is at the beginning of
the line, the line separator is deleted and that line is joined
with the previous one.
_1_6._6_1. _d_e_l_e_t_e-_w_h_i_t_e-_s_p_a_c_e (_E_S_C \)
This deletes all the Tabs and Spaces around point.
_1_6._6_2. _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_b_i_n_d_i_n_g_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This types out a list containing each bound key and the command
that gets invoked every time that key is typed. To make a wall
chart of JOVE commands, set _s_e_n_d-_t_y_p_e_o_u_t-_t_o-_b_u_f_f_e_r to "on" and
JOVE will store the key bindings in a buffer which you can save
to a file and then print.
_1_6._6_3. _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This prints some info on a specified command.
_1_6._6_4. _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_k_e_y (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This waits for you to type a key and then tells the name of the
command that gets invoked every time that key is hit. Once you
have the name of the command you can use the _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d
command to find out exactly what it does.
_1_6._6_5. _d_e_s_c_r_i_b_e-_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This prints some info on a specified variable.
_1_6._6_6. _d_i_g_i_t (_E_S_C [_0-_9])
This reads a numeric argument. When you type "ESC" followed by a
number, "digit" keeps reading numbers until you type some other
command. Then that command is executes with the numeric argument
you specified.
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-47
_1_6._6_7. _d_i_g_i_t-_1 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 1". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._6_8. _d_i_g_i_t-_2 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 2". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._6_9. _d_i_g_i_t-_3 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 3". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._7_0. _d_i_g_i_t-_4 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 4". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._7_1. _d_i_g_i_t-_5 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 5". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._7_2. _d_i_g_i_t-_6 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 6". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._7_3. _d_i_g_i_t-_7 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 7". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an
May 2, 1988
USD:17-48 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._7_4. _d_i_g_i_t-_8 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 8". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._7_5. _d_i_g_i_t-_9 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 9". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._7_6. _d_i_g_i_t-_0 (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pretends you typed "ESC 0". This is useful for terminals
that have keypads that send special sequences for numbers typed
on the keypad as opposed to numbers typed from the keyboard.
This can save having type "ESC" when you want to specify an argu-
_1_6._7_7. _d_i_r_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This prints out the directory stack. See the "cd", "pushd",
"popd" commands for more info.
_1_6._7_8. _d_i_s_a_b_l_e-_b_i_f_f (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When this is set, JOVE disables biff when you're editing and
enables it again when you get out of JOVE, or when you pause to
the parent shell or push to a new shell. (This means arrival of
new mail will not be immediately apparent but will not cause
indiscriminate writing on the display). The default is "off".
_1_6._7_9. _d_i_s_p_l_a_y-_b_a_d-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_s (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable affects only filename completion, in particular,
what happens when "?" is typed while prompting for a file. When
this variable is ON, any files that end with one of the exten-
sions defined by the variable _b_a_d-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e-_e_x_t_e_n_s_i_o_n_s will be
displayed with an "!" in front of their names. When _d_i_s_p_l_a_y-
_b_a_d-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_s is OFF the files will not be displayed at all. The
default value is on.
_1_6._8_0. _d_o_w_n-_l_i_s_t (_E_S_C _C-_D)
This is the opposite of _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d-_u_p-_l_i_s_t. It's not clear to me
that this command serves any useful purpose in life. Try it out,
and let me know what you think.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-49
_1_6._8_1. _d_s_t_o_p-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
Send the "dsusp" character to the current process. This is the
character that suspends a process on the next read from the ter-
minal. Most people have it set to C-Y. This only works if you
have the interactive process feature, and if you are in a buffer
bound to a process.
_1_6._8_2. _e_d_i_t-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This creates a buffer with a list of each abbreviation and the
phrase it expands into, and enters a recursive edit to let you
change the abbreviations or add some more. The format of this
list is "abbreviation:phrase" so if you add some more you should
follow that format. It's probably simplest just to copy some
already existing abbreviations and edit them. When you are done
you type "C-X C-C" to exit the recursive edit.
_1_6._8_3. _e_n_d-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o (_C-_X ))
This stops the definition of the keyboard macro. Because of a
bug in JOVE, this must be bound to "C-X )", or some key sequence
which is one or two characters long. Anything else will not work
_1_6._8_4. _e_n_d-_o_f-_f_i_l_e (_E_S_C >)
This moves point forward to the end of the buffer. This some-
times prints the "Point Pushed" message. If the end of the
buffer isn't on the screen JOVE will set the mark so you can go
back to where you were if you want.
_1_6._8_5. _e_n_d-_o_f-_l_i_n_e (_C-_E)
This moves point to the end of the current line. If the line is
too long to fit on the screen JOVE will scroll the line to the
left to make the end of the line visible. The line will slide
back to its normal position when you move backward past the left-
most visible character or when you move off the line altogether.
_1_6._8_6. _e_n_d-_o_f-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_E_S_C .)
This moves point to the last character in the window.
_1_6._8_7. _e_o_f-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
Sends EOF to the current interactive process. This only works on
versions of JOVE running under versions of UNIX with pty's.
_1_6._8_8. _e_r_a_s_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This erases the contents of the specified buffer. This is like
_d_e_l_e_t_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r except it only erases the contents of the buffer,
not the buffer itself. If you try to erase a buffer that needs
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USD:17-50 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
saving you will be asked to confirm it.
_1_6._8_9. _e_r_r_o_r-_f_o_r_m_a_t-_s_t_r_i_n_g (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This is the error format string that is used by _p_a_r_s_e-_e_r_r_o_r_s to
find the error messages in a buffer. The way it works is by
using this string as a JOVE regular expression search string,
where the \('s and \)'s regular expression operators are used to
pick out the file name and line number from the line containing
an error message. For instance, a typical error message might
look like this:
"file.c", line 540: missing semi-colon
For strings of this format, an appropriate value for _e_r_r_o_r-
_f_o_r_m_a_t-_s_t_r_i_n_g would be something like this:
^"\([^"]*\)", line \([0-9]*\):
What this means is, to find an error message, search for a line
beginning with a double-quote. Then it says that all the follow-
ing characters up to another double-quote should be remembered as
one unit, namely the filename that the error is in (that's why
the first set of parens are surrounding it). Then it says that
after the filename there will be the string ", line " followed by
a line number, which should be remembered as a single unit (which
is why the second set of parens is around that). The only con-
straints on the error messages is that the file name and line
number appear on the same line, and that the file name appears
before the line number. Most compilers seem to do this anyway,
so this is not an unreasonable restriction.
If you do not know how to use regular expressions then this vari-
able will be hard for you to use. Also note that you can look at
the default value of this variable by printing it out, but it is
a really complicated string because it is trying to accommodate
the outputs of more than one compiler at a time.
_1_6._9_0. _e_r_r_o_r-_w_i_n_d_o_w-_s_i_z_e (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This is the percentage of the screen to use for the error-window
on the screen. When you execute _c_o_m_p_i_l_e-_i_t, _e_r_r_o_r-_w_i_n_d_o_w-_s_i_z_e
percent of the screen will go to the error window. If the window
already exists and is a different size, it is made to be this
size. The default value is 20%.
_1_6._9_1. _e_x_c_h_a_n_g_e-_p_o_i_n_t-_a_n_d-_m_a_r_k (_C-_X _C-_X)
This moves point to mark and makes mark the old point. This is
for quickly moving from one end of the region to another.
_1_6._9_2. _e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o (_C-_X _E)
This executes the keyboard macro. If you supply a numeric
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-51
argument the macro is executed that many times.
_1_6._9_3. _e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_m_a_c_r_o (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This executes a specified macro. If you supply a numeric argu-
ment the macro is executed that many times.
_1_6._9_4. _e_x_e_c_u_t_e-_n_a_m_e_d-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d (_E_S_C _X)
This is the way to execute a command that isn't bound to any key.
When you are prompted with ": " you can type the name of the com-
mand. You don't have to type the entire name. Once the command
is unambiguous you can type Space and JOVE will fill in the rest
for you. If you are not sure of the name of the command, type
"?" and JOVE will print a list of all the commands that you could
possibly match given what you've already typed. If you don't
have any idea what the command's name is but you know it has
something to do with windows (for example), you can do "ESC X
apropos window" and JOVE will print a list of all the commands
that are related to windows. If you find yourself constantly
executing the same commands this way you probably want to bind
them to keys so that you can execute them more quickly. See the
_b_i_n_d-_t_o-_k_e_y command.
_1_6._9_5. _e_x_i_t-_j_o_v_e (_C-_X _C-_C)
This exits JOVE. If any buffers need saving JOVE will print a
warning message and ask for confirmation. If you leave without
saving your buffers all your work will be lost. If you made a
mistake and really do want to exit then you can. If you are in a
recursive editing level _e_x_i_t-_j_o_v_e will return you from that.
_1_6._9_6. _e_x_p_a_n_d-_e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t-_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s (_V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When this variable is on JOVE will try to expand any strings of
the form "$var" into the value of the environment variable "var"
when in the minibuffer. For example, if you type $HOME/.joverc,
"$HOME" will be replaced with you home directory. The default
value is off.
_1_6._9_7. _f_i_l_e-_c_r_e_a_t_i_o_n-_m_o_d_e (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable has an octal value. It contains the mode (see
_c_h_m_o_d(_1) ) with which files should be created. This mode gets
modified by your current umask setting (see _u_m_a_s_k(_1) ). The
default value is usually _0_6_6_6 or _0_6_4_4.
_1_6._9_8. _f_i_l_e_s-_s_h_o_u_l_d-_e_n_d-_w_i_t_h-_n_e_w_l_i_n_e (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable indicates that all files should always have a new-
line at the end. This is often necessary for line printers and
the like. When set, if JOVE is writing a file whose last charac-
ter is not a newline, it will add one automatically.
May 2, 1988
USD:17-52 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._9_9. _f_i_l_l-_c_o_m_m_e_n_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This command fills in your C comments to make them pretty and
readable. This filling is done according the variable _c_o_m_m_e_n_t-
* the default format makes comments like this.
This can be changed by changing the format variable. Other
languages may be supported by changing the format variable
appropriately. The formatter looks backwards from dot for an
open comment symbol. If found, all indentation is done relative
the position of the first character of the open symbol. If there
is a matching close symbol, the entire comment is formatted. If
not, the region between dot and the open symbol is reformatted.
_1_6._1_0_0. _f_i_l_l-_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h (_E_S_C _J)
This rearranges words between lines so that all the lines in the
current paragraph extend as close to the right margin as possi-
ble, ensuring that none of the lines will be greater than the
right margin. The default value for _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n is 78, but can
be changed with the _s_e_t and _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n-_h_e_r_e commands. JOVE has
a complicated algorithm for determining the beginning and end of
the paragraph. In the normal case JOVE will give all the lines
the same indent as they currently have, but if you wish to force
a new indent you can supply a numeric argument to _f_i_l_l-_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h
(e.g., by typing C-U ESC J) and JOVE will indent each line to the
column specified by the _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n variable. See also the
_l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n variable and _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n-_h_e_r_e command.
_1_6._1_0_1. _f_i_l_l-_r_e_g_i_o_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is like _f_i_l_l-_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h, except it operates on a region
instead of just a paragraph.
_1_6._1_0_2. _f_i_l_t_e_r-_r_e_g_i_o_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sends the text in the region to a UNIX command, and replaces
the region with the output from that command. For example, if
you are lazy and don't like to take the time to write properly
indented C code, you can put the region around your C file and
_f_i_l_t_e_r-_r_e_g_i_o_n it through _c_b, the UNIX C beautifier. If you have
a file that contains a bunch of lines that need to be sorted you
can do that from inside JOVE too, by filtering the region through
the _s_o_r_t UNIX command. Before output from the command replaces
the region JOVE stores the old text in the kill ring, so if you
are unhappy with the results you can easily get back the old text
with "C-Y".
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-53
_1_6._1_0_3. _f_i_n_d-_f_i_l_e (_C-_X _C-_F)
This visits a file into its own buffer and then selects that
buffer. If you've already visited this file in another buffer,
that buffer is selected. If the file doesn't yet exist, JOVE
will print "(New file)" so that you know.
_1_6._1_0_4. _f_i_n_d-_t_a_g (_C-_X _T)
This finds the file that contains the specified tag. JOVE looks
up tags by default in the "tags" file in the current directory.
You can change the default tag name by setting the _t_a_g-_f_i_l_e vari-
able to another name. If you specify a numeric argument to this
command, you will be prompted for a tag file. This is a good way
to specify another tag file without changing the default. If the
tag cannot be found the error is reported and point stays where
it is.
_1_6._1_0_5. _f_i_n_d-_t_a_g-_a_t-_p_o_i_n_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This finds the file that contains the tag that point is currently
on. See _f_i_n_d-_t_a_g.
_1_6._1_0_6. _f_i_r_s_t-_n_o_n-_b_l_a_n_k (_E_S_C _M)
This moves point back to the indent of the current line.
_1_6._1_0_7. _f_o_r_e_g_r_o_u_n_d-_c_o_l_o_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This specifies the foreground color of the screen (PC version
only). The default is 1, which stands for white. The attribute
used for writing to the screen is formed by (bg&7)<<4 & (fg&7).
_1_6._1_0_8. _f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r (_C-_F)
This moves forward over a single character. If point is at the
end of the line it moves to the beginning of the next one.
_1_6._1_0_9. _f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_l_i_s_t (_E_S_C _C-_N)
This is like _f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n except it moves over lists
ONLY. What this does is search for the next "(" and then move to
the matching ")". This is useful for when you are trying to find
mismatched parentheses in a program.
_1_6._1_1_0. _f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h (_E_S_C ])
This moves point forward to the end of the current or next para-
graph. Paragraphs are bounded by lines that begin with a Period
or Tab, or by blank lines; a change in indentation may also sig-
nal a break between paragraphs, except that JOVE allows the first
line of a paragraph to be indented differently from the other
May 2, 1988
USD:17-54 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._1_1_1. _f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n (_E_S_C _C-_F)
This moves point forward over a s-expression. If the first sig-
nificant character after point is "(", this moves past the match-
ing ")". If the character begins an identifier, this moves just
past it. This is mode dependent, so this will move over atoms in
LISP mode and C identifiers in C mode. JOVE also matches "{".
_1_6._1_1_2. _f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_s_e_n_t_e_n_c_e (_E_S_C _E)
This moves point forward to the end of the current or next sen-
tence. JOVE considers the end of a sentence to be the characters
".", "!" or "?" followed by a Return, or one or more spaces.
_1_6._1_1_3. _f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_w_o_r_d (_E_S_C _F)
This moves point forward to the end of the current or next word.
_1_6._1_1_4. _f_u_n_d_a_m_e_n_t_a_l-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sets the major mode to Fundamental. This affects what JOVE
considers as characters that make up words. For instance,
Single-quote is not part of a word in Fundamental mode, but is in
Text mode.
_1_6._1_1_5. _g_a_t_h_e_r-_n_u_m_e_r_i_c-_a_r_g_u_m_e_n_t (_C-_U)
This command is one of two ways to specify a numeric argument to
a command. It's usually bound to C-U. Typing C-U once means, Do
the next command 4 times. Typing C-U twice will do the next com-
mand 16 times, and so on. If at any point you type a number,
then that number will be used instead of 4. For instance, C-U 3
5 means do the next command 35 times.
_1_6._1_1_6. _g_o_t_o-_l_i_n_e (_E_S_C _G)
If a numeric argument is supplied point moves to the beginning of
that line. If no argument is supplied one is prompted for.
_1_6._1_1_7. _g_o_t_o-_w_i_n_d_o_w-_w_i_t_h-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This command prompts for a buffer name and then select that
buffer. If the buffer is currently being displayed in one of the
windows, that window is selected instead.
_1_6._1_1_8. _g_r_i_n_d-_s-_e_x_p_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
When point is positioned on a "(", this re-indents that LISP
_1_6._1_1_9. _g_r_o_w-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_C-_X ^)
This makes the current window one line bigger. This only works
when there is more than one window and provided there is room to
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-55
change the size.
_1_6._1_2_0. _h_a_n_d_l_e-_t_a_b (_T_a_b)
This handles indenting to the "right" place in C and Lisp mode,
and just inserts itself in Text mode.
_1_6._1_2_1. _i-_s_e_a_r_c_h-_f_o_r_w_a_r_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
Incremental search. Like search-forward except that instead of
prompting for a string and searching for that string all at once,
it accepts the string one character at a time. After each char-
acter you type as part of the search string, it searches for the
entire string so far. When you like what it found, type the
Return key to finish the search. You can take back a character
with Rubout and the search will back up to the position before
that character was typed. C-G aborts the search.
_1_6._1_2_2. _i-_s_e_a_r_c_h-_r_e_v_e_r_s_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
Incremental search. Like search-reverse except that instead of
prompting for a string and searching for that string all at once,
it accepts the string one character at a time. After each char-
acter you type as part of the search string, it searches for the
entire string so far. When you like what it found, type the
Return key to finish the search. You can take back a character
with Rubout and the search will back up to the position before
that character was typed. C-G aborts the search.
_1_6._1_2_3. _i-_s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is like _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d except it lets you continue with your
editing while the command is running. This is really useful for
long running commands with sporadic output. See the manual for
information on how to use interactive processes.
_1_6._1_2_4. _i_n_s_e_r_t-_f_i_l_e (_C-_X _C-_I)
This inserts a specified file into the current buffer at point.
Point is positioned at the beginning of the inserted file.
_1_6._1_2_5. _i_n_t_e_r_n_a_l-_t_a_b_s_t_o_p (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
The number of spaces JOVE should print when it displays a tab
character. The default value is 8.
_1_6._1_2_6. _i_n_t_e_r_r_u_p_t-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This is set to the character that interrupts JOVE (with a signal)
no matter what JOVE is doing. It's main use is for interrupting
non-interactive processes, but it also has uses for debugging.
Unfortunately there is no way to turn off the interrupt charac-
May 2, 1988
USD:17-56 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._1_2_7. _i_n_t_e_r_r_u_p_t-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sends the interrupt character (usually C-C) to the interac-
tive process in the current buffer. This is only for versions of
JOVE that have the interactive processes feature. This only
works when you are inside a buffer that's attached to a process.
_1_6._1_2_8. _k_i_l_l-_n_e_x_t-_w_o_r_d (_E_S_C _D)
This kills the text from point to the end of the current or next
_1_6._1_2_9. _k_i_l_l-_p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_w_o_r_d (_E_S_C _R_u_b_o_u_t)
This kills the text from point to the beginning of the current or
previous word.
_1_6._1_3_0. _k_i_l_l-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This command prompts for a buffer name or buffer number (just as
select-buffer does) and then sends the process in that buffer a
kill signal (9).
_1_6._1_3_1. _k_i_l_l-_r_e_g_i_o_n (_C-_W)
This deletes the text in the region and saves it on the kill
ring. Commands that delete text but save it on the kill ring all
have the word "kill" in their names. Type "C-Y" to yank back the
most recent kill.
_1_6._1_3_2. _k_i_l_l-_s-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n (_E_S_C _C-_K)
This kills the text from point to the end of the current or next
_1_6._1_3_3. _k_i_l_l-_s_o_m_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This goes through all the existing buffers and asks whether or
not to kill them. If you decide to kill a buffer, and it turns
out that the buffer is modified, JOVE will offer to save it
first. This is useful for when JOVE runs out of memory to store
lines (this only happens on PDP-11's) and you have lots of
buffers that you are no longer using.
_1_6._1_3_4. _k_i_l_l-_t_o-_b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g-_o_f-_s_e_n_t_e_n_c_e (_C-_X _R_u_b_o_u_t)
This kills from point to the beginning of the current or previous
_1_6._1_3_5. _k_i_l_l-_t_o-_e_n_d-_o_f-_l_i_n_e (_C-_K)
This kills from point to the end of the current line. When point
is at the end of the line the line separator is deleted and the
next line is joined with current one. If a numeric argument is
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-57
supplied that many lines are killed; if the argument is negative
that many lines _b_e_f_o_r_e point are killed; if the argument is zero
the text from point to the beginning of the line is killed.
_1_6._1_3_6. _k_i_l_l-_t_o-_e_n_d-_o_f-_s_e_n_t_e_n_c_e (_E_S_C _K)
This kills from point to the end of the current or next sentence.
If a negative numeric argument is supplied it kills from point to
the beginning of the current or previous sentence.
_1_6._1_3_7. _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This is how far lines should be indented when auto-indent mode is
on, or when the _n_e_w_l_i_n_e-_a_n_d-_i_n_d_e_n_t command is run (usually by
typing LineFeed). It is also used by fill-paragraph and auto-
fill mode. If the value is zero (the default) then the left mar-
gin is determined from the surrounding lines.
_1_6._1_3_8. _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n-_h_e_r_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sets the _l_e_f_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n variable to the current position of
point. This is an easy way to say, "Make the left margin begin
here," without having to count the number of spaces over it actu-
ally is.
_1_6._1_3_9. _l_i_s_p-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This turns on Lisp mode. Lisp mode is one of four mutually
exclusive major modes: Fundamental, Text, C, and Lisp. In Lisp
mode, the characters Tab and ) are treated specially, similar to
the way they are treated in C mode. Also, Auto Indent mode is
affected, and handled specially.
_1_6._1_4_0. _l_i_s_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r_s (_C-_X _C-_B)
This types out a list containing various information about each
buffer. Right now that list looks like this:
(* means the buffer needs saving)
NO Lines Type Name File
-- ----- ---- ---- ----
1 1 File Main [No file]
2 1 Scratch * Minibuf [No file]
3 519 File * commands.doc commands.doc
The first column lists the buffer's number. When JOVE prompts
for a buffer name you can either type in the full name, or you
can simply type the buffer's number. The second column is the
number of lines in the buffer. The third says what type of
buffer. There are four types: "File", "Scratch", "Process", "I-
Process". "File" is simply a buffer that holds a file; "Scratch"
is for buffers that JOVE uses internally; "Process" is one that
holds the output from a UNIX command; "I-Process" is one that has
an interactive process attached to it. The next column contains
May 2, 1988
USD:17-58 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
the name of the buffer. And the last column is the name of the
file that's attached to the buffer. In this case, both Minibuf
and commands.doc have been changed but not yet saved. In fact
Minibuf won't be saved since it's an internal JOVE buffer that I
don't even care about.
_1_6._1_4_1. _l_i_s_t-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This makes a list somewhat like "list-buffers" does, except its
list consists of the current interactive processes. Right now
the list looks like this:
Buffer Status Pid Command
------ ------ --- -------
*shell* Running 18415shell
fgrep Done 18512 fgrep -n Buffer *.c
The first column has the name of the buffer to which the process
is attached. The second has the status of the process; if a pro-
cess has exited normally the status is "Done" as in fgrep; if the
process exited with an error the status is "Exit N" where N is
the value of the exit code; if the process was killed by some
signal the status is the name of the signal that was used; other-
wise the process is running. The last column is the name of the
command that is being run.
_1_6._1_4_2. _m_a_i_l-_c_h_e_c_k-_f_r_e_q_u_e_n_c_y (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This is how often (in seconds) JOVE should check your mailbox for
incoming mail. See also the _m_a_i_l_b_o_x and _d_i_s_a_b_l_e-_b_i_f_f variables.
_1_6._1_4_3. _m_a_i_l_b_o_x (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
Set this to the full pathname of your mailbox. JOVE will look
here to decide whether or not you have any unread mail. This
defaults to /usr/spool/mail/$USER, where $USER is set to your
login name.
_1_6._1_4_4. _m_a_k_e-_b_a_c_k_u_p-_f_i_l_e_s (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
If this variable is set, then whenever JOVE writes out a file, it
will move the previous version of the file (if there was one) to
"#filename". This is often convenient if you save a file by
accident. The default value of this variable is "off". _N_o_t_e:
this is an optional part of JOVE, and your guru may not have it
enabled, so it may not work.
_1_6._1_4_5. _m_a_k_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_u_n_m_o_d_i_f_i_e_d (_E_S_C ~)
This makes JOVE think the selected buffer hasn't been changed
even if it has. Use this when you accidentally change the buffer
but don't want it considered changed. Watch the mode line to see
the * disappear when you use this command.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-59
_1_6._1_4_6. _m_a_k_e-_m_a_c_r_o-_i_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This command is meaningful only while you are defining a keyboard
macro, and when you are in the minibuffer. Ordinarily, when a
command in a macro definition requires a trailing text argument
(file name, search string, etc.), the argument you supply becomes
part of the macro definition. If you want to be able to supply a
different argument each time the macro is used, then while you
are defining it, you should give the make-macro-interactive com-
mand just before typing the argument which will be used during
the definition process. Note: you must bind this command to a
key in order to use it; you can't say "ESC X make-macro-
_1_6._1_4_7. _m_a_r_k-_t_h_r_e_s_h_o_l_d (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This variable contains the number of lines point may move by
before the mark is set. If, in a search or something, point
moves by more than this many lines, the mark is set so that you
may return easily. The default value of this variable is 22 (one
screenful, on most terminals).
_1_6._1_4_8. _m_a_r_k_s-_s_h_o_u_l_d-_f_l_o_a_t (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When this variable is "off", the position of a mark is remembered
as a line number within the buffer and a character number within
the line. If you add or delete text before the mark, it will no
longer point to the text you marked originally because that text
is no longer at the same line and character number. When this
variable is "on", the position of a mark is adjusted to compen-
sate for each insertion and deletion. This makes marks much more
sensible to use, at the cost of slowing down insertion and dele-
tion somewhat. The default value is "on".
_1_6._1_4_9. _m_a_t_c_h-_r_e_g_u_l_a_r-_e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When set, JOVE will match regular expressions in search patterns.
This makes special the characters ., *, [, ], ^, and $, and the
two-character sequences \<, \>, \{, \} and \|. See the _e_d(_1)
manual page, the tutorial "Advanced Editing in UNIX ", and the
section above "Searching with Regular Expressions" for more
_1_6._1_5_0. _m_e_t_a-_k_e_y (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
You should set this variable to "on" if your terminal has a real
Meta key. If your terminal has such a key, then a key sequence
like ESC Y can be entered by holding down Meta and typing Y.
NOTE: This disables interrupting noninteractive shell commands.
_1_6._1_5_1. _m_o_d_e-_l_i_n_e (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
The format of the mode line can be determined by setting this
variable. The items in the line are specified using a printf(3)
May 2, 1988
USD:17-60 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
format, with the special things being marked as "%x". Digits may
be used between the 'x' may be:
C check for new mail, and displays "[New mail]" if there
is any (see also the mail-check-interval and disable-biff
F the current file name, with leading path stripped
M the current list of major and minor modes
b the current buffer name
c the fill character (-)
d the current directory
e end of string--this must be the last item in the string
f the current file name
l the current load average (updated automatically)
mxy x, when the buffer is modified or y, when not
n the current buffer number
s space, but only if previous character is not a space
t the current time (updated automatically)
[ ] the square brackets printed when in a recursive edit
( ) items enclosed in %( ... %) will only be printed on
the bottom mode line, rather than copied when the
window is split
In addition, any other character is simply copied into the mode
line. Characters may be escaped with a backslash. To get a feel
for all this, try typing "ESC X print mode-line" and compare the
result with your current mode line.
_1_6._1_5_2. _m_o_d_e-_l_i_n_e-_c_o_l_o_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This specifies the color of the modeline (PC version only). Its
default value is 0, and in that case it is drawn in reverse
video. If it has any other value, this value is used as the
attribute in the Bios calls.
_1_6._1_5_3. _m_o_d_e-_l_i_n_e-_s_h_o_u_l_d-_s_t_a_n_d_o_u_t (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
If set, the mode line will be printed in reverse video, if your
terminal supports it. The default for this variable is "off".
_1_6._1_5_4. _n_a_m_e-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This copies the keyboard macro and gives it a name freeing up the
keyboard macro so you can define some more. Keyboard macros with
their own names can be bound to keys just like built in commands
can. See the _d_e_f_i_n_e-_m_a_c_r_o, _s_o_u_r_c_e and _w_r_i_t_e-_m_a_c_r_o_s-_t_o-_f_i_l_e com-
_1_6._1_5_5. _n_e_w_l_i_n_e (_R_e_t_u_r_n)
This divides the current line at point moving all the text to the
right of point down onto the newly created line. Point moves
down to the beginning of the new line.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-61
_1_6._1_5_6. _n_e_w_l_i_n_e-_a_n_d-_b_a_c_k_u_p (_C-_O)
This divides the current line at point moving all the text to the
right of point down onto the newly created line. The difference
between this and "newline" is that point does not move down to
the beginning of the new line.
_1_6._1_5_7. _n_e_w_l_i_n_e-_a_n_d-_i_n_d_e_n_t (_L_i_n_e_F_e_e_d)
This behaves the same was as Return does when in Auto Indent
mode. This makes Auto Indent mode obsolete but it remains in the
name of backward compatibility.
_1_6._1_5_8. _n_e_x_t-_e_r_r_o_r (_C-_X _C-_N)
This moves to the next error in the list of errors that were
parsed with _p_a_r_s_e-_e_r_r_o_r_s. In one window the list of errors is
shown with the current one always at the top. In another window
is the file that contains the error. Point is positioned in this
window on the line where the error occurred.
_1_6._1_5_9. _n_e_x_t-_l_i_n_e (_C-_N)
This moves down to the next line.
_1_6._1_6_0. _n_e_x_t-_p_a_g_e (_C-_V)
This displays the next page of the buffer by taking the bottom
line of the window and redrawing the window with it at the top.
If there isn't another page in the buffer JOVE rings the bell.
If a numeric argument is supplied the screen is scrolled up that
many lines; if the argument is negative the screen is scrolled
_1_6._1_6_1. _n_e_x_t-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_C-_X _N)
This moves into the next window. Windows live in a circular list
so when you're in the bottom window and you try to move to the
next one you are moved to the top window. It is an error to use
this command with only one window.
_1_6._1_6_2. _n_u_m_b_e_r-_l_i_n_e_s-_i_n-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This displays the line numbers for each line in the buffer being
displayed. The number isn't actually part of the text; it's just
printed before the actual buffer line is. To turn this off you
run the command again; it toggles.
_1_6._1_6_3. _o_v_e_r-_w_r_i_t_e-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This turns Over Write mode on (or off if it's currently on) in
the selected buffer. When on, this mode changes the way the
self-inserting characters work. Instead of inserting themselves
and pushing the rest of the line over to the right, they replace
May 2, 1988
USD:17-62 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
or over-write the existing character. Also, Rubout replaces the
character before point with a space instead of deleting it. When
Over Write mode is on "OvrWt" is displayed on the mode line.
_1_6._1_6_4. _p_a_g_e-_n_e_x_t-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_E_S_C _C-_V)
This displays the next page in the next window. This is exactly
the same as "C-X N C-V C-X P".
_1_6._1_6_5. _p_a_r_e_n-_f_l_a_s_h () } ])
This handles the C mode curly brace indentation, the Lisp mode
paren indentation, and the Show Match mode paren/curly
brace/square bracket flashing.
_1_6._1_6_6. _p_a_r_e_n-_f_l_a_s_h-_d_e_l_a_y (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
How long, in tenths of seconds, JOVE should pause on a matching
parenthesis in _S_h_o_w mode. The default is 5.
_1_6._1_6_7. _p_a_r_s_e-_e_r_r_o_r_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This takes the list of C compilation errors (or output from
another program in the same format) in the current buffer and
parses them for use with the _n_e_x_t-_e_r_r_o_r and _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_e_r_r_o_r and
_c_u_r_r_e_n_t-_e_r_r_o_r commands. This is a very useful tool and helps
with compiling C programs and when used in conjunction with the
"grep" UNIX command very helpful in making changes to a bunch of
files. This command understands errors produced by cc, cpp, and
lint; plus any other program with the same format (e.g., "grep
-n"). JOVE visits each file that has an error and remembers each
line that contains an error. It doesn't matter if later you
insert or delete some lines in the buffers containing errors;
JOVE remembers where they are regardless. _c_u_r_r_e_n_t-_e_r_r_o_r is
automatically executed after one of the parse commands, so you
end up at the first error. See also _e_r_r_o_r-_f_o_r_m_a_t-_s_t_r_i_n_g to make
it possible to parse errors of a different format.
_1_6._1_6_8. _p_a_r_s_e-_s_p_e_l_l_i_n_g-_e_r_r_o_r_s-_i_n-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This parses a list of words in the current buffer and looks them
up in another buffer that you specify. This will probably go
away soon.
_1_6._1_6_9. _p_a_u_s_e-_j_o_v_e (_E_S_C _S)
This stops JOVE and returns control to the parent shell. This
only works for users using the C-shell, and on systems that have
the job control facility. To return to JOVE you type "fg" to the
_1_6._1_7_0. _p_h_y_s_i_c_a_l-_t_a_b_s_t_o_p (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
How many spaces your terminal prints when it prints a tab
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-63
_1_6._1_7_1. _p_o_p-_m_a_r_k (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This gets executed when you run _s_e_t-_m_a_r_k with a numeric argument.
JOVE remembers the last 16 marks and you use _p_o_p-_m_a_r_k to go back-
ward through the ring of marks. If you execute _p_o_p-_m_a_r_k enough
times you will eventually get back to where you started.
_1_6._1_7_2. _p_o_p_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pops one entry off the directory stack. Entries are pushed
with the _p_u_s_h_d command. The names were stolen from the C-shell
and the behavior is the same.
_1_6._1_7_3. _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_e_r_r_o_r (_C-_X _C-_P)
This is the same as _n_e_x_t-_e_r_r_o_r except it goes to the previous
error. See _n_e_x_t-_e_r_r_o_r for documentation.
_1_6._1_7_4. _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_l_i_n_e (_C-_P)
This moves up to the previous line.
_1_6._1_7_5. _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_p_a_g_e (_E_S_C _V)
This displays the previous page of the current buffer by taking
the top line and redrawing the window with it at the bottom. If
a numeric argument is supplied the screen is scrolled down that
many lines; if the argument is negative the screen is scrolled
_1_6._1_7_6. _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_C-_X _P _a_n_d _C-_X _O)
This moves into the next window. Windows live in a circular list
so when you're in the top window and you try to move to the pre-
vious one you are moved to the bottom window. It is an error to
use this command with only one window.
_1_6._1_7_7. _p_r_i_n_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This prints the value of a JOVE variable.
_1_6._1_7_8. _p_r_o_c_e_s_s-_b_i_n_d-_t_o-_k_e_y (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This command is identical to bind-to-key, except that it only
affects your bindings when you are in a buffer attached to a pro-
cess. When you enter the process buffer, any keys bound with
this command will automatically take their new values. When you
switch to a non-process buffer, the old bindings for those keys
will be restored. For example, you might want to execute
process-bind-to-key stop-process ^Z
process-bind-to-key interrupt-process ^C
May 2, 1988
USD:17-64 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
Then, when you start up an interactive process and switch into
that buffer, C-Z will execute stop-process and C-C will execute
interrupt- process. When you switch back to a non-process
buffer, C-Z will go back to executing scroll-up (or whatever you
have it bound to).
_1_6._1_7_9. _p_r_o_c_e_s_s-_n_e_w_l_i_n_e (_R_e_t_u_r_n)
This this only gets executed when in a buffer that is attached to
an interactive-process. JOVE does two different things depending
on where you are when you hit Return. When you're at the end of
the I-Process buffer this does what Return normally does, except
it also makes the line available to the process. When point is
positioned at some other position that line is copied to the end
of the buffer (with the prompt stripped) and point is moved there
with it, so you can then edit that line before sending it to the
process. This command _m_u_s_t be bound to the key you usually use
to enter shell commands (Return), or else you won't be able to
enter any.
_1_6._1_8_0. _p_r_o_c_e_s_s-_p_r_o_m_p_t (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
What a prompt looks like from the shell and i-shell-command
processes. The default is "% ", the default C-shell prompt.
This is actually a regular expression search string. So you can
set it to be more than one thing at once using the \| operator.
For instance, for LISP hackers, the prompt can be
"% -> <[0-9]>: ".
_1_6._1_8_1. _p_r_o_c_e_s_s-_s_e_n_d-_d_a_t_a-_n_o-_r_e_t_u_r_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is like _p_r_o_c_e_s_s-_n_e_w_l_i_n_e except it sends everything to the
process without the newline. Normally, when you type return in a
process buffer it sends everything you typed including the
Return. This command just provides a way to send data to the
process without having to send a newline as well.
_1_6._1_8_2. _p_u_s_h-_s_h_e_l_l (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This spawns a child shell and relinquishes control to it. This
works on any version of UNIX, but this isn't as good as _p_a_u_s_e-
_j_o_v_e because it takes time to start up the new shell and you get
a brand new environment every time. To return to JOVE you type
_1_6._1_8_3. _p_u_s_h_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This pushes a directory onto the directory stack and cd's into
it. It asks for the directory name but if you don't specify one
it switches the top two entries no the stack. It purposely
behaves the same as C-shell's _p_u_s_h_d.
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-65
_1_6._1_8_4. _p_w_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This prints the working directory.
_1_6._1_8_5. _q_u_e_r_y-_r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g (_E_S_C _Q)
This replaces the occurrences of a specified string with a speci-
fied replacement string. When an occurrence is found point is
moved to it and then JOVE asks what to do. The options are:
Space to replace this occurrence and go on to the next one.
Period to replace this occurrence and then stop.
Rubout to skip this occurrence and go on to the next one.
C-R to enter a recursive edit. This lets you temporarily
suspend the replace, do some editing, and then return
to continue where you left off. To continue with the
Query Replace type "C-X C-C" as if you were trying to
exit JOVE. Normally you would but when you are in a
recursive edit all it does is exit that recursive
editing level.
C-W to delete the matched string and then enter a recursive
U to undo the last replacement.
P or ! to go ahead and replace the remaining occurrences without
Return to stop the Query Replace.
The search for occurrences starts at point and goes to the end of
the buffer, so to replace in the entire buffer you must first go
to the beginning.
_1_6._1_8_6. _q_u_i_t-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is the same as typing "C-\" (the Quit character) to a normal
UNIX process, except it sends it to the current process in JOVE.
This is only for versions of JOVE that have the interactive
processes feature. This only works when you are inside a buffer
that's attached to a process.
_1_6._1_8_7. _q_u_o_t_e_d-_i_n_s_e_r_t (_C-_Q)
This lets you insert characters that normally would be executed
as other JOVE commands. For example, to insert "C-F" you type
"C-Q C-F".
_1_6._1_8_8. _r_e_a_d-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v-_f_i_l_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This reads a specified file that contains a bunch of abbreviation
definitions, and makes those abbreviations available. If the
selected buffer is not already in Word Abbrev mode this command
puts it in that mode.
May 2, 1988
USD:17-66 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._1_8_9. _r_e_c_u_r_s_i_v_e-_e_d_i_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This enters a recursive editing level. This isn't really very
useful. I don't know why it's available for public use. I think
I'll delete it some day.
_1_6._1_9_0. _r_e_d_r_a_w-_d_i_s_p_l_a_y (_C-_L)
This centers the line containing point in the window. If that
line is already in the middle the window is first cleared and
then redrawn. If a numeric argument is supplied, the line is
positioned at that offset from the top of the window. For exam-
ple, "ESC 0 C-L" positions the line containing point at the top
of the window.
_1_6._1_9_1. _r_e_n_a_m_e-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This lets you rename the current buffer.
_1_6._1_9_2. _r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_i_n-_r_e_g_i_o_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is the same as _r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g except that it is restricted
to occurrences between Point and Mark.
_1_6._1_9_3. _r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g (_E_S_C _R)
This replaces all occurrences of a specified string with a speci-
fied replacement string. This is just like _q_u_e_r_y-_r_e_p_l_a_c_e-_s_t_r_i_n_g
except it replaces without asking.
_1_6._1_9_4. _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
Where the right margin is for _A_u_t_o _F_i_l_l mode and the _j_u_s_t_i_f_y-
_p_a_r_a_g_r_a_p_h and _j_u_s_t_i_f_y-_r_e_g_i_o_n commands. The default is 78.
_1_6._1_9_5. _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n-_h_e_r_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sets the _r_i_g_h_t-_m_a_r_g_i_n variable to the current position of
point. This is an easy way to say, "Make the right margin begin
here," without having to count the number of spaces over it actu-
ally is.
_1_6._1_9_6. _s_a_v_e-_f_i_l_e (_C-_X _C-_S)
This saves the current buffer to the associated file. This makes
your changes permanent so you should be sure you really want to.
If the buffer has not been modified _s_a_v_e-_f_i_l_e refuses to do the
save. If you really do want to write the file you can use "C-X
C-W" which executes _w_r_i_t_e-_f_i_l_e.
_1_6._1_9_7. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_a_l_l-_l_i_n_e_s (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When this is turned on, the entire window will be scrolled left
or right when the current line scrolls. The default value is
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-67
OFF, which will cause JOVE to behave in the familiar way, namely
to scroll only the current line.
_1_6._1_9_8. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_d_o_w_n (_E_S_C _Z)
This scrolls the screen one line down. If the line containing
point moves past the bottom of the window point is moved up to
the center of the window. If a numeric argument is supplied that
many lines are scrolled; if the argument is negative the screen
is scrolled up instead.
_1_6._1_9_9. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_l_e_f_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This scrolls the text in the current window 10 character posi-
tions to the left. If a numeric argument is specified then the
text is scrolled that number of character positions. If the
variable _s_c_r_o_l_l-_a_l_l-_l_i_n_e_s is ON then _s_c_r_o_l_l-_l_e_f_t may actually do
nothing if the scrolling would cause Point not to be visible.
_1_6._2_0_0. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_n_e_x_t-_p_a_g_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This continuously scrolls up screen-full lines (PC version only).
_1_6._2_0_1. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_p_a_g_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This continuously scrolls down screen-full lines (PC version
_1_6._2_0_2. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_r_i_g_h_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This scrolls the text in the current window 10 character posi-
tions to the right. If a numeric argument is specified then the
text is scrolled that number of character positions. If the
variable _s_c_r_o_l_l-_a_l_l-_l_i_n_e_s is ON then _s_c_r_o_l_l-_r_i_g_h_t may actually do
nothing if the scrolling would cause Point not to be visible.
_1_6._2_0_3. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_s_t_e_p (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
How many lines should be scrolled if the _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s-_l_i_n_e or _n_e_x_t-
_l_i_n_e commands move you off the top or bottom of the screen. You
may wish to decrease this variable if you are on a slow terminal.
The default value is 0, which means to center the current line in
the window. If the value is negative, the behavior is slightly
different. If you move off the top of the window, and _s_c_r_o_l_l-
_s_t_e_p is, say, -5 then the new line will be displayed 5 lines from
the bottom of the window. If you move off the bottom of the win-
dow, the new line will be positioned 5 lines from the top of the
_1_6._2_0_4. _s_c_r_o_l_l-_u_p (_C-_Z)
This scrolls the screen one line up. If the line containing
point moves past the top of the window point is moved down to the
center of the window. If a numeric argument is supplied that
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many lines are scrolled; if the argument is negative the screen
is scrolled down instead.
_1_6._2_0_5. _s_e_a_r_c_h-_e_x_i_t-_c_h_a_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
Set this to the character you want to use to exit incremental
search. The default is Newline, which makes i-search compatible
with normal string search.
_1_6._2_0_6. _s_e_a_r_c_h-_f_o_r_w_a_r_d (_C-_S)
This searches forward for a specified search string and positions
point at the end of the string if it's found. If the string is
not found point remains unchanged. This searches from point to
the end of the buffer, so any matches before point will be
_1_6._2_0_7. _s_e_a_r_c_h-_f_o_r_w_a_r_d-_n_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is just like _s_e_a_r_c_h-_f_o_r_w_a_r_d except that it doesn't assume a
default search string, and it doesn't set the default search
string. This is useful for defining macros, when you want to
search for something, but you don't want it to affect the current
default search string.
_1_6._2_0_8. _s_e_a_r_c_h-_r_e_v_e_r_s_e (_C-_R)
This searches backward for a specified search string and posi-
tions point at the beginning if the string if it's found. If the
string is not found point remains unchanged. This searches from
point to the beginning of the buffer, so any matches after point
will be missed.
_1_6._2_0_9. _s_e_a_r_c_h-_r_e_v_e_r_s_e-_n_d (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is just like _s_e_a_r_c_h-_r_e_v_e_r_s_e except that it doesn't assume a
default search string, and it doesn't set the default search
string. This is useful for defining macros, when you want to
search for something, but you don't want it to affect the current
default search string.
_1_6._2_1_0. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_C-_X _B)
This selects a new or already existing buffer making it the
current one. You can type either the buffer name or number. If
you type in the name you need only type the name until it is
unambiguous, at which point typing Escape or Space will complete
it for you. If you want to create a new buffer you can type
Return instead of Space, and a new empty buffer will be created.
_1_6._2_1_1. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_1 (<_A_l_t>-_1)
This selects buffer number 1, if it exists (PC version only).
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_1_6._2_1_2. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_2 (<_A_l_t>-_2)
This selects buffer number 2, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_1_3. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_3 (<_A_l_t>-_3)
This selects buffer number 3, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_1_4. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_4 (<_A_l_t>-_4)
This selects buffer number 4, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_1_5. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_5 (<_A_l_t>-_5)
This selects buffer number 5, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_1_6. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_6 (<_A_l_t>-_6)
This selects buffer number 6, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_1_7. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_7 (<_A_l_t>-_7)
This selects buffer number 7, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_1_8. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_8 (<_A_l_t>-_8)
This selects buffer number 8, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_1_9. _s_e_l_e_c_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r-_9 (<_A_l_t>-_9)
This selects buffer number 9, if it exists (PC version only).
_1_6._2_2_0. _s_e_l_f-_i_n_s_e_r_t (_M_o_s_t _P_r_i_n_t_i_n_g _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s)
This inserts the character that invoked it into the buffer at
point. Initially all but a few of the printing characters are
bound to _s_e_l_f-_i_n_s_e_r_t.
_1_6._2_2_1. _s_e_n_d-_t_y_p_e_o_u_t-_t_o-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When this is set JOVE will send output that normally overwrites
the screen (temporarily) to a buffer instead. This affects com-
mands like _l_i_s_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r_s, _l_i_s_t-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s_e_s, and commands that use
completion. The default value is "off".
_1_6._2_2_2. _s_e_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This gives a specified variable a new value. Occasionally you'll
see lines like "set this variable to that value to do this".
Well, you use the _s_e_t command to do that.
_1_6._2_2_3. _s_e_t-_m_a_r_k (_C-@)
This sets the mark at the current position in the buffer. It
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prints the message "Point pushed" on the message line. It says
that instead of "Mark set" because when you set the mark the pre-
vious mark is still remembered on a ring of 16 marks. So "Point
pushed" means point is pushed onto the ring of marks and becomes
the value of "the mark". To go through the ring of marks you
type "C-U C-@", or execute the _p_o_p-_m_a_r_k command. If you type
this enough times you will get back to where you started.
_1_6._2_2_4. _s_h_e_l_l (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
The shell to be used with all the shell commands command. If
your SHELL environment variable is set, it is used as the value
of _s_h_e_l_l; otherwise "/bin/csh" is the default.
_1_6._2_2_5. _s_h_e_l_l (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This starts up an interactive shell in a window. JOVE uses
"*shell*" as the name of the buffer in which the interacting
takes place. See the manual for information on how to use
interactive processes.
_1_6._2_2_6. _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d (_C-_X !)
This runs a UNIX command and places the output from that command
in a buffer. JOVE creates a buffer that matches the name of the
command you specify and then attaches that buffer to a window.
So, when you have only one window running this command will cause
JOVE to split the window and attach the new buffer to that win-
dow. Otherwise, JOVE finds the most convenient of the available
windows and uses that one instead. If the buffer already exists
it is first emptied, except that if it's holding a file, not some
output from a previous command, JOVE prints an error message and
refuses to execute the command. If you really want to execute
the command you should delete that buffer (saving it first, if
you like) or use _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d-_t_o-_b_u_f_f_e_r, and try again.
_1_6._2_2_7. _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d-_n_o-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is just like _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d except it just runs the command
without saving the output to any buffer. It will report the suc-
cess of the command in the usual way.
_1_6._2_2_8. _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d-_t_o-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is just like _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d except it lets you specify the
buffer to use instead of JOVE.
_1_6._2_2_9. _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d-_w_i_t_h-_t_y_p_e_o_u_t (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This is just like _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d except that instead of saving the
output to a buffer, and displaying it in a window, this just
types out the output in the same way that _l_i_s_t-_b_u_f_f_e_r_s does.
Actually, how this behaves depends on the value of the variable
_s_e_n_d-_t_y_p_e_o_u_t-_t_o-_b_u_f_f_e_r. If it is on then shell-command-with-
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typeout will behave just like _s_h_e_l_l-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d.
_1_6._2_3_0. _s_h_e_l_l-_f_l_a_g_s (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This defines the flags that are passed to shell commands. The
default is "-c". See the _s_h_e_l_l variable to change the default
_1_6._2_3_1. _s_h_o_w-_m_a_t_c_h-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This turns on Show Match mode (or off if it's currently on) in
the selected buffer. This changes "}" and ")" so that when they
are typed the are inserted as usual, and then the cursor flashes
back to the matching "{" or "(" (depending on what was typed) for
about half a second, and then goes back to just after the "}" or
")" that invoked the command. This is useful for typing in com-
plicated expressions in a program. You can change how long the
cursor sits on the matching paren by setting the "paren-flash-
delay" variable in tenths of a second. If the matching "{" or
"(" isn't visible nothing happens.
_1_6._2_3_2. _s_h_r_i_n_k-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This makes the current window one line shorter, if possible.
Windows must be at least 2 lines high, one for the text and the
other for the mode line.
_1_6._2_3_3. _s_o_u_r_c_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This reads a bunch of JOVE commands from a file. The format of
the file is the same as that in your initialization file (your
".joverc") in your main directory. There should be one command
per line and it should be as though you typed "ESC X" while in
JOVE. For example, here's part of my initialization file:
bind-to-key i-search-reverse ^R
bind-to-key i-search-forward ^S
bind-to-key pause-jove ^[S
What they do is make "C-R" call the _i-_s_e_a_r_c_h-_r_e_v_e_r_s_e command and
"C-S" call _i-_s_e_a_r_c_h-_f_o_r_w_a_r_d and "ESC S" call _p_a_u_s_e-_j_o_v_e.
_1_6._2_3_4. _s_p_e_l_l-_b_u_f_f_e_r (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This runs the current buffer through the UNIX _s_p_e_l_l program and
places the output in buffer "Spell". Then JOVE lets you edit the
list of words, expecting you to delete the ones that you don't
care about, i.e., the ones you know are spelled correctly. Then
the _p_a_r_s_e-_s_p_e_l_l_i_n_g-_e_r_r_o_r_s-_i_n-_b_u_f_f_e_r command comes along and finds
all the misspelled words and sets things up so the error commands
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_1_6._2_3_5. _s_p_l_i_t-_c_u_r_r_e_n_t-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_C-_X _2)
This splits the current window into two equal parts (providing
the resulting windows would be big enough) and displays the
selected buffer in both windows. Use "C-X 1" to go back to 1
window mode. If a numeric argument is supplied, the window is
split "evenly" that many times (when possible).
_1_6._2_3_6. _s_t_a_r_t-_r_e_m_e_m_b_e_r_i_n_g (_C-_X ()
This is just another name for the _b_e_g_i_n-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o name. It is
included for backward compatibility.
_1_6._2_3_7. _s_t_o_p-_r_e_m_e_m_b_e_r_i_n_g (_C-_X ))
This is just another name for the _e_n_d-_k_b_d-_m_a_c_r_o command. It is
included for backward compatibility.
_1_6._2_3_8. _s_t_o_p-_p_r_o_c_e_s_s (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sends a stop signal (C-Z, for most people) to the current
process. It only works if you have the interactive process
feature, and you are in a buffer attached to a process.
_1_6._2_3_9. _s_t_r_i_n_g-_l_e_n_g_t_h (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This prints the number of characters in the string that point
sits in. Strings are surrounded by double quotes. JOVE knows
that "\007" is considered a single character, namely "C-G", and
also knows about other common ones, like "\r" (Return) and "\n"
(LineFeed). This is mostly useful only for C programmers.
_1_6._2_4_0. _s_u_s_p_e_n_d-_j_o_v_e (_E_S_C _S)
This is a synonym for _p_a_u_s_e-_j_o_v_e.
_1_6._2_4_1. _s_y_n_c-_f_r_e_q_u_e_n_c_y (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
The temporary files used by JOVE are forced out to disk every
_s_y_n_c-_f_r_e_q_u_e_n_c_y modifications. The default is 50, which really
makes good sense. Unless your system is very unstable, you prob-
ably shouldn't fool with this.
_1_6._2_4_2. _t_a_g-_f_i_l_e (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This the name of the file in which JOVE should look up tag defin-
itions. The default value is "./tags".
_1_6._2_4_3. _t_e_x_t-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This sets the major mode to Text. Currently the other modes are
Fundamental, C and Lisp mode.
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JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-73
_1_6._2_4_4. _t_m_p-_f_i_l_e-_p_a_t_h_n_a_m_e (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
This tells JOVE where to put the tmp files, which is where JOVE
stores buffers internally. The default is usually in /tmp, but
if you want to store them somewhere else, you can set this vari-
able. If your system crashes a lot it might be a good idea to
set this variable to somewhere other than /tmp because the system
removes all the files in /tmp upon reboot, and so you would not
be able to recover editor buffers using the "jove -r" command.
NOTE: In order for this to work correctly you must set this vari-
able BEFORE JOVE creates the tmp file. You can set this in your
.joverc (the closer to tbe beginning the better), or as soon as
you start up JOVE before you visit any files.
_1_6._2_4_5. _t_r_a_n_s_p_o_s_e-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s (_C-_T)
This switches the character before point with the one after
point, and then moves forward one. This doesn't work at the
beginning of the line, and at the end of the line it switches the
two characters before point. Since point is moved forward, so
that the character that was before point is still before point,
you can use "C-T" to drag a character down the length of a line.
This command pretty quickly becomes very useful.
_1_6._2_4_6. _t_r_a_n_s_p_o_s_e-_l_i_n_e_s (_C-_X _C-_T)
This switches the current line with the one above it, and then
moves down one so that the line that was above point is still
above point. This, like _t_r_a_n_s_p_o_s_e-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s, can be used to
drag a line down a page.
_1_6._2_4_7. _u_n_b_i_n_d-_k_e_y (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
Use this to unbind _a_n_y key sequence. You can use this to unbind
even a prefix command, since this command does not use "key-map
completion". For example, "ESC X unbind-key ESC [" unbinds the
sequence "ESC [". This is useful for "turning off" something set
in the system-wide ".joverc" file.
_1_6._2_4_8. _u_p_d_a_t_e-_t_i_m_e-_f_r_e_q_u_e_n_c_y (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
How often the mode line is updated (and thus the time and load
average, if you display them). The default is 30 seconds.
_1_6._2_4_9. _u_s_e-_i/_d-_c_h_a_r (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
If your terminal has insert/delete character capability you can
tell JOVE not to use it by setting this to "off". In my opinion
it is only worth using insert/delete character at low baud rates.
WARNING: if you set this to "on" when your terminal doesn't have
insert/delete character capability, you will get weird (perhaps
fatal) results.
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USD:17-74 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._2_5_0. _v_e_r_s_i_o_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
Displays the version number of this JOVE.
_1_6._2_5_1. _v_i_s_i_b_l_e-_b_e_l_l (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
Use the terminal's visible bell instead of beeping. This is set
automatically if your terminal has the capability.
_1_6._2_5_2. _v_i_s_i_b_l_e-_s_p_a_c_e_s-_i_n-_w_i_n_d_o_w (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This displays an underscore character instead of each space in
the window and displays a greater-than followed by spaces for
each tab in the window. The actual text in the buffer is not
changed; only the screen display is affected. To turn this off
you run the command again; it toggles.
_1_6._2_5_3. _v_i_s_i_t-_f_i_l_e (_C-_X _C-_V)
This reads a specified file into the current buffer replacing the
old text. If the buffer needs saving JOVE will offer to save it
for you. Sometimes you use this to start over, say if you make
lots of changes and then change your mind. If that's the case
you don't want JOVE to save your buffer and you answer "NO" to
the question.
_1_6._2_5_4. _w_i_n_d_o_w-_f_i_n_d (_C-_X _4)
This lets you select another buffer in another window three dif-
ferent ways. This waits for another character which can be one
of the following:
T Finds a tag in the other window.
F Finds a file in the other window.
B Selects a buffer in the other window.
This is just a convenient short hand for "C-X 2" (or "C-X O" if
there are already two windows) followed by the appropriate
sequence for invoking each command. With this, though, there
isn't the extra overhead of having to redisplay. In addition,
you don't have to decide whether to type "C-X 2" or "C-X O" since
"C-X 4" does the right thing.
_1_6._2_5_5. _w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v-_m_o_d_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This turns on Word Abbrev mode (or off if it's currently on) in
the selected buffer. Word Abbrev mode lets you specify a word
(an abbreviation) and a phrase with which JOVE should substitute
the abbreviation. You can use this to define words to expand
into long phrases, e.g., "jove" can expand into "Jonathan's Own
Version of Emacs"; another common use is defining words that you
often misspell in the same way, e.g., "thier" => "their" or "teh"
=> "the". See the information on the _a_u_t_o-_c_a_s_e-_a_b_b_r_e_v variable.
May 2, 1988
JOVE Manual for UNIX Users USD:17-75
There are two kinds of abbreviations: mode specific and global.
If you define a Mode specific abbreviation in C mode, it will
expand only in buffers that are in C mode. This is so you can
have the same abbreviation expand to different things depending
on your context. Global abbreviations expand regardless of the
major mode of the buffer. The way it works is this: JOVE looks
first in the mode specific table, and then in the global table.
Whichever it finds it in first is the one that's used in the
expansion. If it doesn't find the word it is left untouched.
JOVE tries to expand words as they are typed, when you type a
punctuation character or Space or Return. If you are in Auto
Fill mode the expansion will be filled as if you typed it your-
_1_6._2_5_6. _w_r_a_p-_s_e_a_r_c_h (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
If set, searches will "wrap around" the ends of the buffer
instead of stopping at the bottom or top. The default is "off".
_1_6._2_5_7. _w_r_i_t_e-_f_i_l_e (_C-_X _C-_W)
This saves the current buffer to a specified file, and then makes
that file the default file name for this buffer. If you specify
a file that already exists you are asked to confirm over-writing
_1_6._2_5_8. _w_r_i_t_e-_f_i_l_e_s-_o_n-_m_a_k_e (_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e)
When set, all modified files will be written out before calling
make when the _c_o_m_p_i_l_e-_i_t command is executed. The default is
_1_6._2_5_9. _w_r_i_t_e-_m_a_c_r_o_s-_t_o-_f_i_l_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This writes the currently defined macros to a specified file in a
format appropriate for reading them back in with the _s_o_u_r_c_e com-
mand. The purpose of this command is to allow you to define mac-
ros once and use them in other instances of JOVE.
_1_6._2_6_0. _w_r_i_t_e-_m_o_d_i_f_i_e_d-_f_i_l_e_s (_C-_X _C-_M)
This saves all the buffers that need saving. If you supply a
numeric argument it asks for each buffer whether you really want
to save it.
_1_6._2_6_1. _w_r_i_t_e-_r_e_g_i_o_n (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This writes the text in the region to a specified file. If the
file already exists you are asked to confirm over-writing it.
_1_6._2_6_2. _w_r_i_t_e-_w_o_r_d-_a_b_b_r_e_v-_f_i_l_e (_N_o_t _B_o_u_n_d)
This writes the currently defined abbreviations to a specified
file. They can be read back in and automatically defined with
May 2, 1988
USD:17-76 JOVE Manual for UNIX Users
_1_6._2_6_3. _y_a_n_k (_C-_Y)
This undoes the last kill command. That is, it inserts the
killed text at point. When you do multiple kill commands in a
row, they are merged so that yanking them back with "C-Y" yanks
back all of them.
_1_6._2_6_4. _y_a_n_k-_p_o_p (_E_S_C _Y)
This yanks back previous killed text. JOVE has a kill ring on
which the last 10 kills are stored. _y_a_n_k yanks a copy of the
text at the front of the ring. If you want one of the last ten
kills you use "ESC Y" which rotates the ring so another different
entry is now at the front. You can use "ESC Y" only immediately
following a "C-Y" or another "ESC Y". If you supply a negative
numeric argument the ring is rotated the other way. If you use
this command enough times in a row you will eventually get back
to where you started. Experiment with this. It's extremely use-
May 2, 1988